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About AndyK86

  • Birthday 11/03/1986

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    Bus Driver

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    Speedway, F1, Football & Golf.
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    Sheffield Tigers

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  1. I know 😂😂😂 but hopefully this will tempt them again if get a big crowd in cup.
  2. It is a tough one, Holder brothers, Tai & Picko are great to watch no doubt but we got torn a new one at reserve last season and same will probably happen again unless Gilkes is more consistent and Flint really steps it up, not having a stronger number 6 again will be our achilles heel.
  3. Not surprised we have let Kyle go, great captain and service to the club but you could tell things were going a bit stale for him last season. He is a very frustrating rider to watch as he will ride out of his skin one heat and beat a top rider then in the next he will be well off the pace against reserves. Looking forward to the cup tie against Poole, interesting to see how they line up but always good to have a different team visit and maybe they are doing it to test the waters and a possible return to the top league which would be a boost for the sport.
  4. Will be hard to beat around Kings Lynn, away from home might be a bit weak in heat leader department but then having a strong number 6 can counter that so will be interesting to see how it plays out for the Stars.
  5. Expect us to bounce back to winning ways tomorrow night but Peterborough look a lot better side now so hopefully provide some decent racing as well
  6. Not with Complin's recent performances but maybe going to Newcastle as a comeback wasn't the best idea, Hopefully Lee can find the form that made him a fan favourite in near future As for last night well done Wolves on a job well done, kept it interesting until half way then we just got left behind. Wolves are very good side and will be in top four at end of season no doubt, one bad meeting doesn't wreck our season and no doubt we will bounce back.
  7. Got this game running now, thanks for the help. Didn't bother with rider update, great seeing some of old riders you either remember or completely forgot about
  8. Is Quest linked with Eurosport/Discovery, that could be go to channel for when there are clashes.
  9. Agree with this, me and mrs are season ticket holders at Sheffield Steelers but cant get to many away games but like tonight we are away at Coventry and have just bought the stream for £12, it is just brilliant and Speedway bosses really need to look at doing this sort of thing. If I could buy a stream to watch Sheffield away from home then I would do it as travelling hours on a week night is just not possible with work etc Time for the whole sport to wake up and create revenue steams instead of begging BT, Sky, Eurosport to give them very little money to show not many meetings.
  10. I think we have to start with getting the product right, bring it back fully to a semi professional sport to start with and create a league system which will benefit all clubs not just the few. Encourage signed riders to get out in the towns and cities through winter and more importantly just before season starts as the more interest they drum up the more potential fans come through gates and all of a sudden rider pay will start to creep up again etc But the product has to be right, the tracks have to be prepared well and then we have a chance of keeping hold of the new fans.
  11. Think the structure of Speedway maybe different next season, they have to rethink it and quick. Heard we are losing quite a bit of money running on a Sunday as the crowds are down compared to Thursdays, It started off well at start of season but third and fourth bend now look like they did when first bend was open which is definitely not a good sign. What will be will be I guess, As long as we are still running then I am happy.
  12. I sent in a similar proposal to Rob Godfrey in winter 2017 Run it at a Championship level with however many teams are running, split it into north/south and you race teams in your section twice home & away but also face the teams from the other region just once either home or away, so Sheffield (North) in 2019 take on Poole (South) at Owlerton, the year after it would be Sheffield who travel to Poole. You get more local fixtures this way which is good for crowd levels in theory but you also create more variety by involving sides from other section as well but not over doing it and increasing costs to promoters and riders. No doubling up (don't care how many riders in a team, just made the sport credible again by finding a format that works and is value for money) in order to find a way forward again instead of this constant downward spiral Speedway here is in. If you are racing a team in your region and have injuries you can only get a guest in from the south region and if racing a team from other region you can only get a guest in from your region. When it comes to end of season top two in each region face off for divisional titles and actually get a trophy for that achievement and then of course superbowl style final North v South which advertised well could be brilliant and of course bigger trophy at end of it. With the right advertising and stripping the sport right back it can be great again, just got to be more radical this winter as they have just stuck with status quo for way to long now and it shows with how many people are rocking up to watch. Not going to say this is perfect by any stretch of the imagination but BSPA have got to listen to all ideas and find out that can work for the future of the sport here, it really is that simple for them now.
  13. Good to get a point on our travels, should boost confidence in the tigers camp ready for today.
  14. Looking forward to it this year, last time we left straight away after final to head back to Sheffield but this time staying over for 2 nights so can enjoy without having to think about the drive home
  15. Our riders wore some Ice Hockey jerseys when at Sheffield Steelers game last Saturday and they looked brilliant, which would make them very appealing for fans to buy in off season as well as during. They would just need some sort of elastic/grippers so they don't flap around as much when racing. Glasgow have done good by releasing a team shirt which is great for fans to buy and Sheffield were also wearing t-shirt's which represent the team very well so hopefully they will be available at track shop.
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