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  1. By 1985 Halifax's crowds had gone well under a 2000 average. The wooden stands were not a factor in the move in any way, it was purely a cost thing The extra costs were to pay for the necessary track alterations and as you say Odsal was a better option at the time. Crowds at Odsal dropped alarmingly when they lost Carter which would have happened even if they had been at the Shay.
  2. Someone is responsible, that someone is obviously Ole Olsen. You suggest discarding years of experience in lieu of 1 cock up! Strange man. 1939 was called off with just 1 week to go. I think the FIM instigated the war so that the didn't have to run that Final. They knew the public were against the bonus point system in operation at the time and feared no one would turn up. There were no repeats scheduled on Pathe News either, what more proof do you need
  3. The Valley Parade disaster only happened in May of that year Andy. I don't think the implications of the Popplewell Enquiry were known before the move to Odsal was announced. The Shay continued in it's same state for a number of years as home to Halifax FC It was the new SCB regulations that spelled the end of racing at the Shay
  4. You don't remember the fan who jumped the fence grabbing the hose in an attempt to be able to see some of the racing Ask Peter Collins, I am sure he remembers it!!! Ironically the man to benefit from that farce was none other than Ole Olsen, although to be fair he was a more than worth winner anyway.
  5. Nonsense, at that time Wembley was still used at least annually with World Finals, Inter Continental, European and Worl Team Cup Finals, not to mention the Daily Mirror Series Final. Wembley was not temporary in the truest sense of the word, in the main it was just hidden beneath the turf making the job much simpler than Gelsenkirchen. Len Silver was preparing the track for all those meetings, not to memtion preparing Hackney on a weekly basis. Why then were there not the cries for him to resign after the Fiasco in 1975, why no witch hunt trying to discredit the whole World Final system. Quite simply it was accepted as a mistake, albeit one of monumental proportions, and lessons learned from it, none of this current trend of a frenzy of internet fuelled hype demanding a resignation, although that seems to be the way of the world these days.
  6. By the end of 1985 the Shay did not comply with new regulations re the 2 mtr exclusion zone around the track. The cost of the alterations (floodlights etc) was the crux of the problem and with a ready made replacement stadium ony 5 or 6 miles away the dukes left the Shay and moved lock stock and barrel into Odsal
  7. Did Len Silver lose his job preparing the Wembley track after 1975, (an even bigger farce than Germany by the way) of course not, truth was he was still the best person for the job and learning from past mistakes went on to produce two of the best ever world final tracks
  8. Why? those riders all had well documented problems, ignoring it doesn't make it not true. Personally, although I too would not contribute to any fund, it saddens me that the Morans ended up like they have. The pair of them lived for today, ignoring tomorrow, and however sad this scenario was entirely predictable
  9. Indeed Jim all 4 are Kelly Moran, Shawn wasn't in the USA team that day, the team was the 4 in the photo plus Greg Hancock.
  10. 1984 Overseas Final from Belle Vue? Shawn was third, went on to win the Inter Continental Final and the flopped badly in Gothenburg
  11. Sadly Jim they are not the first, and probably wont be the last, former riders to succumb to the evils of alchohol. Soren Sjosten was always fond of a drink but the death of his brother sent him into downward spiral, eventually dying little more than a tramp in his native Sweden. Chris Pusey was another who died young, very young in fact, only in his fifties, through alchohol. And coincidentally all 4 rode for the Aces
  12. Been on the vino again Jim?. "He may be dead"? where on earth did that come from, Spin King simply wished him a happy birthday. Don't think it is Spin King living in "la la land. Kelly has long had a problem with the booze, even during his racing days, anyone remember him being withdrawn from a meeting at Hyde Road by the track doctor on some made up grounds. The truth was he was pissed, almost staggering round the track walk. It was largely covered up at the time though. Shawn, although fond of a drink, managed to avoid addiction for a while longer but it appears that he has now spiralled as low as Kelly. Although probably not destined to reach old age both Shawn and Kelly are still with us and so a belated happy birthday for yesterday to Shooey.
  13. If you think Shawn worthy of a collection that is fine, no doubt countless others will too. I don't mind you saying so Jim, it wouldn't be much of a forum if everyone agreed on everything would it. For the record I would number both the Moran's in my top 10 of all time favourites, they were riders you hoped would miss the gate and fight their way from the back.
  14. Well as much as I liked Shawn Moran I certainly wouldn't contribute to any fund. Lets face it Shawn was the architect of his own demise and I can think of thousands of causes much much more worthy of fundraising than Shawn Moran. Alan Wilkinson, Joe Owen etc etc. guys in a terrible way through no fault of their own, are the type of people worthy of collections.
  15. I believe it is some sort of primitive device for recording TV shows, long since obsolete!!!!!!!!
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