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  1. Well, it took a long time but I finally found out today that Brian died on the 29 September 2021 from Alzheimer's in Brighton. I knew he had the dreadful disease but had no idea where he was. Probate is where I found the information and that closed in July of this year. Shame....but his wonderful site still lives on RIP Brian.
  2. Absolutely, kill switch, clutch, dirt deflector, grips etc etc ......Everything but the engine! Because on the day, its impossible to strip down an engine and do the tests necessary.
  3. No negative stuff on any part here for any rider whatsoever but you brought up something which has baffled me at times...you talk about GP Bike scrutiny, so my question is, is the engine size ever checked? I think not, and the only way for it to be checked is for another rider or official to pay an exorbitant fee to have the engine seized and taken for checking. No rider would EVER accuse a fellow rider of manipulating his engine of course, failure would be devastating for his career I would think.....Let me know if I am wrong here please, but I don't think engine size is ever checked?
  4. 😄😁 OK so I actually thought about that one before you sent it......and NO you are absolutely correct it cannot work perfectly with any semi's or Final but it seems everyone, well maybe the Eurosport and FIM want to see a Final....I'm still not convinced the hard core fan cares about a final....frankly in my day it was most points wins and have a real runoff if you are tied. However, I think we are stuck with Semi's and Final.........the current way is only confusing when a rider, in this case BZ, wins the crown before the final event.......seems Kelvin and company have a problem working out a 20 and 17 point difference.......Kelvin started to say third for BZ, but that was one short.....AND AGAIN they should be prepared and have ALL the answers before the meeting! And yes I did like the A, B, C & D finals.......and I like this one too.....as someone said the "cream" always rises to the top and the winner is usually the one who should win.....in this case BZ.
  5. So, what is your perfect system? Anyone, I won't pick on IanB here.....but what is the perfect system? OR even what would you be happy with?
  6. OK, so you have shot down everything but still not come up with a way that you like.....So what is it?
  7. F1 has been doing this for a million years (well maybe not a million), a little bit different maybe as Speedway goes to sixteen places but I don't hear any complaints from F1 fans 'cos that's the way it is. This wasn't that difficult, true Kelvin and Chris had no bloody idea but that is lack of preparation on their part.....the difference was 17 points, BZ needed to make it a 21 difference. Doesn't really take a brain surgeon just someone feeding the two commentators of what is happening. OR preparation. Um-Er....I don't know!!
  8. Everybody keeps saying bad scoring system in fact every time we have had a scoring system its been a bad one according to most on here....I have news for you, NO scoring system will suit everybody......do I like this scoring system? NO! I preferred where every point counted but some didn't like that how could someone win a GP with less than that the overall. The easiest way would be all points count in the qualifying, semis and Finals but then you would get complaints when the final is won by someone who did not win the GP......I give up!!! So what system does someone have out there that is gloriously faultless....I'm all ears, 'cos I can't figure one out that would make everyone happy.....
  9. Big day for him on the 22nd, British U19 Final.....and I see no reason why he cannot win it.....
  10. Have to agree with Customhouseregularisback, Johnnie Hoskins was the ultimate showman and NEVER let the truth get in the way of a good story.
  11. And we have had a test match this year....September 1, 2024 to be precise at Iwade..... Here is the result..... England 50 Ben Morley 3 3 3 3 3 3 18[M] Rhys Naylor 1' 1 2 2' 2' 2' 10 + 4 Jacob Clouting 1 2 3 3 1 2 12 Jack Kingston 2 2' 1 1 FX FX 6+1 Sam Woods (track res.) 0 0 0 2 2 4 Australia 38 Dayle Wood 2 0 2 2 1 1 8 Patrick Hamilton 3 2 3 2' EF 0 10+1 Matt Marson 0 3 0 1 3 3 3 13 Senna Summers 0 1 0 3 inj. 5 Nathan Hargrave (track res.) 1 1 0 F F F 2 Heat details; 1 Morley, D. Wood, Clouting. Marson 60.8 [4-2] 2 Hamilton, Kingston, Naylor, Summers 61.8 [7-5] 3 Marson, Clouting, Hargrave, S. Woods 62.3 [9-9] 4 Morley, Hamilton, Naylor, D. Wood 60.6 [13-11] 5 Clouting, Kingston, Summers, Marson (fell rem.) 61.0 [18-12] 6 Hamilton, Naylor, Hargrave, S. Woods 62.3 [20-16] 7 (rerun) Morley, D. Wood, Kingston, Summers 60.9 [24-18] 8 Clouting, Naylor, Marson, Hargrave 60.4 [29-19] 9 Summers, Hamilton, Kingston, S. Woods 69.2 [30-24] 10 Morley, D. Wood, Clouting, Hargrave (fell rem, fell) 64.0 [34-26] 11 (rerun) Marson, S. Woods, Summers, Kingston (fell exc.) 63.4 [36-30] 12 Morley, Naylor, D. Wood, Hamilton (EF) 60.9 [41-31] 13 (awarded) Marson, Clouting, Hargrave (fell), Kingston (fell exc.), Summers (inj.) no time [43-34] 14 Morley, Naylor, D. Wood, Hamilton 62.3 [48-35] 15 (awarded) Marson, S. Woods, Harhgrave (fell) [three riders only] no time [50-38]
  12. Well that just about says it all for me. I have been involved in Speedway all my life....well at least starting 1959 a few years after leaving the womb, I have done everything I can in Speedway from Fan to Rider to Promoter to National referee, yes mainly in Canada but I have never heard anything more INANE, stupid, ridiculous, idiotic and any other words you can think of for the way they have decided the playoffs this year.....How can our beloved sport be taken seriously after garbage decisions like this. I don't need any answers because I know there are no sensible answers to this, just wanted to spout off, which I rarely do, i.e NEVER! So please forgive me!
  13. Not sure it was Squibby, he wasn't even in the running for a run-off place....but of course, he may have made his voice known.....
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