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Everything posted by Subedei

  1. I discount Harris and Lindgren from the equation. It's between Holta and the global superstar. And, frankly, I think Holta has more "bottle" and will make it. He seemed dead and buried with a couple of rounds to go last season, but came up with 26 points in the last couple of GPs to make that run-off.
  2. I suppose it's better than reverting to its other previous names, the Herman Goring Stadium or the Empty Sack Stadium.
  3. But not actually accurate, for which I apologise. I seem to have decided that the maximum available score from a couple of GPs is 28 points, when it is, of course, 48 points. So, Holta can theoretically score 111 points. But the substance of the point is valid. The top six have monopolised things this season. To address 21stcenturyheathen's point, I think that the field this season isn't as strong as last season. And I don't see it getting any stronger next season.
  4. The global superstar's problem used to be making semi-finals, but not finals. This season he's made the semi-finals on two occasions and on both occasions he's gone on to the final. Jonsson, on the other hand, now seems to have the global superstar's "old" problem, but not making finals isn't such a huge issue anymore, since huge points aren't necessarily available for making the final - the global superstar only came away from Bydgoszcz with 10 points, whereas a few years ago that would've been 16. Interestingly, had the "old" scoring regime remained in place, the global superstar would be in the top eight as I write this. Last season 91 points got you into the top eight (Holta, Nicholls and Harris all ended last season on 91), but it looks like this season it's going to take a bit less. At the minute Holta holds the final qualifying place with a meagre 63 points, meaning he'd need to win the two remaining Grands Prix without dropping a point to hit 91 points. This situation is because the top six riders have become point hogs. Last season Greg Hancock finished sixth in the SGP series with 106 points, this season Adams is in sixth place and has 98 points with a couple of events still to go. Last season Gollob ended up fourth with 108 points, this season he's still fourth but has 118 points with two events remaining. There are six riders in the SGP series who have simply drawn away from the field. It's hard - almost impossible - to see how this can be addressed until they finally, one by one, decide they've had enough.
  5. The thing is, SGP isn't like other forms of Grands Prix. In the SGP a rider has to build a team, while in other Grands Prix a new talent is absorbed into an existing team, for example, Lewis Hamilton coming into the McLaren-Mercedes team. Riders like Gollob, Nicki P, Adams, Hancock and Co have built their teams - the younger guys will always struggle to compete until they decide they've had enough.
  6. Probably, although I suspect his hands would be tied to some degree. For example, if Adams decides he's had enough (and he seems the most obvious to drop out) you'd have to think his replacement would be another Australian. That would probably ease the headache for Olsen and whoever helps him decide, since it would open the door for Holder without using one of the existing four nominations. Likewise, if Gollob (the other most likely to decide he's had enough) decides enough is enough I think the pressure would be on to replace him with another Pole. As it goes, I don't think any of the top eight will bow out. Why would they? Things aren't likely to get any harder for them next season. The top six in the standings are miles ahead of the rest, with even a talent like Jonsson just on the fringes.
  7. He'd have done okay in the GPs - he was, after all, the "king of the concrete".
  8. Gollob..19..12..08..19..04..12..08..16..20 = 118 Nicholls..07..02..07..07..12..06..04..07..10 = 62
  9. But it's too risky, young fellow. His credibility as a nomination would be zero if he flunked the qualifiers. It's just far easier to just sit them out, than risk being humiliated by the likes of Bjerre, Walasek and Ulamek. After all, the global superstar is a prince of the sport.
  10. Please supply evidence to support that statement. Leszno had circa 20,000 and Bydgoszcz circa 17,000, which adds up to about 37,000. The stated attendance for Cardiff was circa 42,000. So, you're suggesting that Krsko, Copenhagen, Gothenberg, Daugavpils, Malilla and Prague managed less that 6,000 between them?
  11. Please provide evidence to support the above statement.
  12. But what are viewing figures like at Wimborne Road? Do they suffer because none of the Poole riders are British?
  13. Ulamek is GP bound and looks like Walasek following him.
  14. That would be when he tried to bully Walasek on the way to turn 1 in Ht 4? Walasek held his ground. Richardson was lucky not to get excluded.
  15. Contrast that with Richardson's "it's the track" excuse.
  16. So much for the "young gun" - Pavlic stone last in Ht 4. And he was off gate 1.
  17. Certainly is: http://soccer-live.pl/transmisje.php?id=motorsport
  18. Yes: http://soccer-live.pl/transmisje.php?id=motorsport
  19. A brave effort, young salty. But you're dealing with people who have the parochial little Englander mentality. You're dealing with people who don't think it disrespectful to have the Sky team extract the urine from some poor Polish chap struggling to string together a sentence in English, such as Grzegorz Walasek.
  20. No, an American company called IMG through a British subsidiary - BSI Speedway - are the commercial rights holders. The SGP series is run by the FIM, the international governing body for motorcycle sports.
  21. I'm sure the interviewee understood completely what he was saying. He was, after all, saying it. And I believe Brandon's interviews at the GPs aren't Sky interviews, but interviews conducted on behalf of BSI Speedway.
  22. I don't think there is a final. There wasn't last year. Just a race-off between the Dullard and Tomicek for the final qualifying place.
  23. How was it disrespectful? In Poland they interview foreign riders (and - interestingly enough - Rune Holta) in English and translate the answers for their Polish viewers.
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