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Everything posted by adz_mft

  1. Not turning into a farce when Mildenhall are just starting at their normal time tbh. Wouldn't you say you were trying to win at all costs by trying to move a normal start time to suit you?? I don't believe for 1 moment any home club would change their normal start time to suit an away team.That's like asking uncle Len to start at 5.30 because you have riders riding at Leicester in the evening.Would never happen. We have been without Lew and Cam for a couple of meetings and we've had to get on with it. It's just one of those things I'm affraid.
  2. It has never been anything other than a 4.30 start,otherwise the complaint to the BSPA would have meant a different outcome to this surely?
  3. Superb by all the lads tonight.Really thought this would be a close meeting,so am suprised at the result. Thought Josh Bates was brilliant tonight.Just looks more impressive every time I see him.Stef again looked super quick.Unlucky when he came off.Would have been interesting to see him chase the others for a change Morley was a really decent choice of guest.Very smooth and quick.Needs to get away from Rye imo to further his career. Joe showed a lot more tonight which was pleasing to see. Danny was as solid as ever. Ryan was on the pace I thought and was unlucky not to score.It will come though. Lewis Kerr's ride from 3rd to 1st last bend was highly impressive.Where he got that drive from I will never know. Thought Cockle was poor compared to what I have seen him be like before around the NA.Looked like he was having bike problems. Knight seems to have the pace but never looks like passing.Which is a shame,but I'm sure it will come. Good to catch up with the normal lot. Thanks to HT for the lending of a programme board (even though it was a Leicester one )
  4. Pretty difficult to get a guest with most of the top NL lads riding in the PL.Wouldn't suprise me if Aaron Baseby will be the guest,as he has guested for Cam on a couple of occasions already this season
  5. So why wouldn't have the Mildenhall promotion announce it 3 weeks ago to their supporters like they did with the other changes in fixtures? That's all I'm saying.
  6. The thing you don't seem to get is,this is the 1st any of us have actually heard about it.No mention of it being brought foward over the Mic for the last 2 meetings (which there would have been).Nothing on the mildenhall site (which there would have been).Nothing.As I've said previously,at the pairs there were changes announced over the mic to some fixtures.No mention of this fixture being brought foward.As some people don't have access to the net,this would have been the best time to say anything,but nothing was saidd .For some Mildenhall fans who haven't got access to the net,and haven't heard about this "change" in time (which they wouldn't have done) they would be turning up at 4.30 like normal.If they get to the stadium just as the meeting is finishing,chances are they will be annoyed,and possibly think twice about coming again. I'm all for bringing the start foward to see the best riders about,but,if it comes down to seeing the best riders or leaving it until 4.30 for those who haven't heard about this "change",there is no contest for me.The club has to come first and the time left at 4.30.Got to look after your own at the end of the day.They are the ones who come regularly,they are the ones who keep the club going.
  7. At the pairs meeting there was announcement of fixtures changes.These included the meeting vs Stoke to start at 3pm and a couple of added dates (a Saturday and a bank holiday Monday fixture iirc) no mention at all of the Dudley meeting being changed to a 3pm start
  8. Well done lads.Superb win.Decent little meeting.Some good,close and fast racing.Been a very good couple of days for us. I thought Cam showed maturity beyond his years this afternoon.The way he was team riding with Lewis was just brilliant to see.He was never going to settle for just 2nd place in his last programmed ride lol. Well done to all the riders on show today though.Everyone put in plenty of effort.The Buxton pair especially were exciting to watch again.
  9. Great meeting that.Really close racing.The boys deserve a lot of credit for the win againts a decent Buxton side.Especially as we were missing Cam and Lewis.Stef and Joe were superb.Stef was especially unlucky not to go through the card.Getting massive lift at the wrong time.How he held onto the 1st one is beyond me.To recover and re-take the lead,only for it to happen again.I don't think i've seen anything like it. Thought Josh Bates put in a cracking little performance.Looks so much more composed on a bike compared to the start of the season.Taking his time to pass riders.Was good to see. Branford for Buxton was great value.Never knows when he's beaten.Plenty of effort.1 rider i wouldn't mind seeing in a mildenhall race jacket 1 day. Thought the ref had a bit of a mare in the last few heats. Wright should have gone for his move in ht13.1st bend bunching my behind.Ran him straight to the fence,and flicked the wheel at Stef sending him into the fence Excluding Blacklock in ht14 instead of Mckinna looked odd from my view. Ht15.Mildenhall gated on a 5-1 only for it to be called back.Again a very odd decision.Looked like a normal 1st bend to me. All in all.Another decent meeting at Mildenhall.The setup we have at the moment is superb.Really good feel about the club.Roll on tomorrow
  10. I think he is 18.He seems to be getting better and better every meeting i see him in.Today as an example.Untouchable. I reckon the odd guest booking in the pl wouldn't do him any harm for sure.He was hitting similiar times to the pl meeting. edit.Knew he was 17..quite why i put 18 i don't know
  11. Great win for us.Missing Cam and Joe was tough.I thought if we could scrape a point we would have done well,but to get all 4 is superb. 1st of all i hope Mason is ok after what was a horrible looking crash. Stef was a different class today.Nobody got near him.He looked sharp out the gate and was incredibly smooth on the bike. Fair play to Lewis for letting him through to get his full max.He really has stepped it up since becoming captain. Everyone chipped in with vital points,although there were a couple of silly mistakes again which cost us a couple of points. I doubt very much you will go to another Rye home meeting and see Morley have 3 falls.Certainly a one off.I was expecting him to go through the card if i'm being honest. James Sarjeant.Total tool.Looked obvious to me that Aaron got some un wanted drive which sent him into James.Luckily it didn't take him into the fence.His reaction afterwards was disgraceful.Aaron put his hand up as if to appologize,only for James to headbutt him whilst he was on the floor.The lad needs to be dealt with.Idiot.
  12. Baseby is in for Cam. Good luck to the lads today.Going to be a tough one with Cam and Joe missing,but I'm sure they will put in 110%. Hopefully there will be a few fans from Mildy there to get behind them. Looking foward to it.
  13. Anyone know how much it is to get in for the double header ?
  14. Good to see Baseby fixed up with a track.Really impressed me last year.Very consistant all season.Was hoping he could have fit in at Mildenhall this season,but averages didn't fall right.
  15. The scoreline doesn't show what a half decent meeting this was.Some close racing on a well prepared track.Ht15 on its own was brilliant.All 7 mildenhall lads put in a great shift.Paid 17 for Joe was a great return.Looks a total different rider from last season.Cam led from the front,and continues to look good.Brilliant back up from Danny yet again,and Stef looked superb.Had the fast Irving beat before Irving fell.The reserves again impressed..Especially Josh,who looked a lot smoother compared to previous weeks. Was really impressed by Young for Scunny.Looked really quick and smooth.Max Clegg had a decent ht14.Quick gate and un troubled despite Dannys best efforts. Such a good feel about the club at the moment.Things are looking pretty bloody good.
  16. Ay?? I couldn't see what Lew had done wrong when Cockle floored him tbh.Total over reaction by the so called Lynn Captain.A view that was shared by not just Mildenhall fans. As HT says.We looked at the replay that we had and what you describe is rubbish tbh.He didn't "go for a gap that wasn't there" he was clipped himself which then made him a passenger into the unfortunate Adam Lowe (who had looked the best i've ever seen him ride for that matter) But anyway back to reality. Hope both Lewis and Adam are ok after that crash to start off with. Plenty of effort from both sets of riders on a well prepared track. For Lynn; I thought Adam Lowe looked brilliant tbh before the crash.His move on Cam was pretty special tbh.Knight clearly isn't fit,think he has come back too soon.Kerr was unlucky in his last 2,but did look very ordinary in his first couple.Campos,Stokes and Johnson looked pretty solid,and Cockle did his job at number 1. For Mildenhall;Cam looked fast.Cracking bit of team riding to shield Nathan in ht13.Halsey again impressed.Looks so much more comfortable on the bike.Seems he has found the form that took him into the PL a couple of years back.Joe and Stef backed up Danny and Cam really well.Lew looked fast again before the crash.Finally the 2 reserves continued to impress.Got better as the meeting went on.Nathans ht13 win was decent.Cracking 1st couple of bends by the lad. Good to see every rider from the Mildenhall team getting a win also.Will do their confidence the world of good.
  17. Give it a rest BW..its a challenge meeting and the lads from the US don't have averages so how should they have worked out the r/r's
  18. Decent performance from the boys today and tbh the 40 points Lynn got flattered them.We gave them a couple of cheap points,but It's early season,so those mistakes will be ironed out.Hope Josh isn't too badly injured after his spill. Cam,Danny and Lewis were different class.Lew would have had a max also if it wasn't for bike problems just as the tapes went up.Congrats to Danny and Cam on their 1st home maximums for us Stef was unlucky not to score more.That boy certainly doesn't give up.Joe got caught out by the track in the 1st,and that seemed to affect him in his 2nd.Was back to the form he showed last week in his last 2 though.Nathan again impressed.Looks incredibly smooth on a bike.Josh had a bit of a day to forget..Flipping in his 1st then whilst in a comfortable 2nd picked up a bit and lost it.As I said,hopefully he isn't too badly hurt.. Think this lead should be enough to see us through..Here's hoping anyway.. Adz
  19. Great way to open the season.Good to see so many people turn up considering what the weather looked like.Also good to see a fair few stay for the AJL racing after the meeting. Close meeting as expected today.Track looked in superb condition,which produced some good tight racing. Cam and Lewis led from the front.Backed superbly by Joe,Danny and Stef. Joe looks a totally different rider from last season.Looked really quick.Was very unlucky when he had a bit of a coming together with Cam. Have to say i'm really impressed with what i saw from our young reserves.Can't ask for more than what they produced today.Nathan looks super smooth on the bike and Josh looks like a real racer.They are only going to get better through the season. With this as an opener the season can only get better.Bring it on.Up the Tigers
  20. Excellent start to team building
  21. What a meeting!! Our lads rode their bits off.What an effort.I never in a million years would have said we would take it down to a last heat decider. Some of the racing tonight was superb.Great stuff from both sets of riders.Great advert for the sport for sure. Congrats to Scunny on winning overall.Your top riders came good at the right time.Hope you enjoyed your visit to the fens I don't think you could get much closer finish than what we saw in heat15.Cracking stuff. Roll on next season TIGERS!!!!
  22. Well he obviously has otherwise he wouldn't be allowed to ride..They are still developing British riders..This is what the training days that they are organising are designed for!!
  23. Rogue Trader won't be a happy bunny.Oh dear,what a shame,nevermind..fantastic news for us
  24. The promotion think Portwood is going to progress more than what Nick will so gave him the chance..I see no problem with that..Nicks been given a chance,and apart from 1 meeting hasn't delivered tbh..Portwood may not be ready for nl racing,but he can't do any worse than Nick so you may aswell give him the experience IMO
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