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5 FURROW last won the day on March 31 2012

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  1. It ain’t a waste of time it is a local derby and I want Lynn to win
  2. Knowing the BSPA they wouldn’t have the brains to think that one out lets face the Danes have only raced on Wednesdays for ever and a day
  3. You are right in one way does the promotion care about the free kids but they should get them interested because they are the next set of paying customers because as the older generation decrease without new interest they might as well close down
  4. Absolute rubbish what about the idiot that planned the premiership fixtures are they not to blame more so as we don’t have a fixture on the 9th
  5. No and you know that Vojens don’t race weekly I was just saying a big track is no excuse they have them in Poland and they race weekly but what a surprise you defending the promotion as I’ve said they and meaning all top flight clubs have had enough money over the years to sort this problem and they have all avoided doing it and there is no intention of any of the covering there tracks
  6. That’s a bit of a poor comment the tracks are to big for covers they manage ok abroad the best ones are at Vojens all segmented and lets face it all clubs have had enough tv money to purchase them but have decided to blow the money in other quarters
  7. Why should they pay air fares I’ve been working for 38 years and I’ve had to find all my travel money out of my pocket they choose to work in different places
  8. Well Haza is right blade the track and it won’t start till 9ish some of us have to go to work the next day and are not prepared to throw good money at a poor situation maybe you are
  9. Have the AGM Cardiff GP week it ain’t rocket science I’d imagine all promoters from all leagues would be at the GP but knowing the BSPA that would be to easy
  10. Great post most sensible one there’s been all winter but you can guarantee Buster won’t listen to it it’s his way or the byway also the next generation of paying public are the children so the later the start the likelihood of them attending are slim with school the next day
  11. Iversens bikes have been crated up so I imagine they won't want a replacement for Fricke
  12. Dont know when he got hurt he scored a 12max for Lublin yesterday no doubt his pit crew will have a feeble excuse or a 24 miricale cure
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