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The Doctor...

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Everything posted by The Doctor...

  1. Unless i missed something else, he wrote that you were an idiot before you illness and were an idiot after, or words close to that ? Granted it's an insult, but come on, it's just saying he thinks you're an idiot. Just because the word illness is brought in doesn't change the sentiment - if anything it says you've made such a positive recovery that you're the same person as you were before on here.. I broke my back years ago and was nearly paralysed - i'm sure people thought i was dick before and am still a dick after..i'd never use an injury or an illness as some kind of crutch to lean on tho - if people are going to put their medical conditions or personal information out in the public domain, you've got to surely expect that sometimes they will be used against you when some mud slinging begins. You're clearly well enough to be posting here and getting yourself into these scrapes again, so that's a good thing healthwise - not sure why it needs to be used as some kind of defence mechanism when threads/comments start to go against you.
  2. If he's banned for what i presume he has, it's a poor day. Another forum member also given quite an extensive ban aswell today - definitely some snowflakes out there quick to report things rather than scrap it out.
  3. Not always the case for a paramedic to be on board a front line ambulance these days. Very common to be double manned by technicians only.
  4. Saving your best stuff stuff for the girl on twitter eh ? To be fair, you might have saved your a-game for the missus before she jumped ship i guess.
  5. No her name was Paula. Next question ? Btw, why have you turned off your private messages ? Scared to engage ?
  6. There are lifts scattered along the two sides but none on the bends, although it wouldn't be far from wherever you are, and the stewards are excellent. I had a one night stand with the steward in our block in 2004 and without being too crass, i'm still mates with her, so any specifics needed i'm sure she would help i'm sure. She's old bill now but still works at the stadium for certain events there as they pay well so if you have any issues, drop me a line and i'll see if she can help.
  7. So you've just seen the tv matches ? How many of those have there been Starry ? Not exactly an accurate way to guess at figures really imo.
  8. With respect, who cares what the f you say. You've been a member for 13 years and only just piped up recently...you aren't Subedei are you ? #c*t
  9. I just couldnt imagine the amount of backbiting on here not spilling over into real life - it certainly would have done at my track Reading, and often did even from our own little forum.
  10. Genuine question - Do you Poole guys here know eachother to the point of catching up face to face at meetings or do you kinda keep yourselves to yourselves and only converse on here ? Only reason for asking is that there seems genuine dislike between a few you here and i just wondered if you ever met up on the night and aired your opinions. Question not aimed at Shov btw, i know he mixes with most folk.
  11. With respect, there was no delving required. We all know the story as Gavan announced his job on here many moons ago. As for attacking the post and not the poster, i think someone else has already replied to you on that.
  12. Listen pal, you got caught out by a member begging to get into the drawers of some supposed model on twitter. You've self destructed from a reasonable poster into one who has walked himself into numerous bans. You've had personal problems, fair enough. Now to supposedly put the mods off the scent, you've changed your style to blatantly aggressive. And lo and behold as i typed my reply to you late last night, a quick hover revealed you were on Gavan's profile at the time... maybe checking to see if all the posts he deleted recently were still viewable ? I think its best you stick to flogging your motability cars as all this bad guy act isn't fooling anyone..
  13. i'm not sure if you're actually Gavan, but you do know that HenryW isn't a Poole fan dont you ? Far far from it. He's just giving his views. Whoever you actually are, it's all a tad puzzling this crusade you're on. Quite odd.
  14. Excuse me ? What utter tosh - i was simply saying i hadn't heard that as the latest awful update in that particular situation. The last i'd seen on that thread that someone had created to discuss it was people guessing the chaps name. I had no idea things had turned out that way. If you think that's inappropriate, you need help, and perhaps more to the point, perhaps direct your completely misplaced ire at the person who posted it originally, not me. Edited - just seen your last post. I'll let you off.
  15. If you left at heat 5 and dont do twitter, where have these rumours come from ?
  16. He mentioned to me in a pm that he only doesn't go to Poole when the weather is borderline, so as it's a lovely night, i'm sure you will be joined by him shortly!
  17. Do me a favour. I know its the modern way of kids of the Football Manager game era to want changes all the time, but are you serious ? What can he do tonight ? Front up to a rider and tell em to go out and win the next effin race or he's gonna get the chop ? Rider will just go yeh whatever mate, i'm self employed, i'm riding for me and if you give me the chop i'll get fixed up next week.. It's sad but its the modern way now.
  18. Yeh just saw that - decent result. Wonder what was up in his first couple..
  19. Why dont you tweet him asking him to resign ?
  20. The days of a manager properly shouting and tearing into a rider are pretty much behind us. I agree that he gives them too much slack in the press more often than not tho. Riders nowadays are so much in a self centred bubble that very few would actually give two hoots what a manager says to them at a meeting.
  21. No, you know what i mean. In real terms, tonight, as a team manager, what should he be doing ?
  22. Genuine question - what do you think he should he be doing ?
  23. I would say it might be worth checking speedway-stats.co.uk but i think now Shawn is banged up, it might not be as up to date as it once was
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