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The Doctor...

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Everything posted by The Doctor...

  1. If someone keeps sending me pm's saying stop, i'll keep replying saying i will as soon as they apologise
  2. I told you how to block me ages ago ! If you haven't got the stones to apologise to me and won't take my guidance at how to block me, then i'm sorry but i'm not going to stop asking for an apology just because you suddenly feel bullied - i've only replied to your constant messages to me, and haven't sent anything unsolicited which you have done twice. Perhaps there is a lesson here to learn for you in that maybe you don't make comments about others unless you are prepared to apologise for them if they cause offence.
  3. I think you need to be very careful of using the word bullying there as you're getting into territory where this will backfire badly. There has been no bullying. I've asked for an apology of which you won't give. You copied me into an email with a mod which isn't a report. As for oldbob - it's true, his content has gone downhill in recent months as if he is bearing grudges against certain elements and it's making his posts sound more and more bitter. As i said, if he is offended i'll happily drop him a line to apologise. See that's where we must differ, if i cause offence, i offer to apologise. You however, not so much..
  4. I've already found it and replied on the other thread MATE
  5. Found my post - in fairness, he was grossly wrong in his post aswell and was rightly corrected. To be fair tho, i did post saying he sounded miserable as sin, which i guess to someone of the older generation isn't very nice and would apologise to him if he would like that. Did make me laugh tho as on the pages around my post there's you battling away with various people about this and that, and i think even telling someone not to read the thread if they didn't like it.
  6. I told him he was wrong i believe as he was. Sorry if that's too harsh and we should just let people propagate lies about things. I'm gonna try and find my post to see if he was as offended as you clearly were.
  7. Er how ? If you can quantify that, i'm all ears. Bear in mind it was you who fired the first arrow in saying i was talking bolloc*s.
  8. Right that's fine, and i've replied to your messaged you've tagged me into, to a mod. Silly old me expecting someone to apologise for being accused of talking boll*cks. How old fashioned i must be.
  9. The old reading isn't so good is it ? I replied to old bob herne bay once. You said i was talking boll*cks and i've still yet to get that apology btw.
  10. Ahh... so you're the same guy. I replied with one message i believe ? You said i was talking bollo*ks, and then contacted me directly - maybe if you had the courtesy not to rant at strangers and say they are talking bollo*ks, you wouldn't get all embarrassed when you're made to look stupid.
  11. I've just been sent a formal notice via pm from my new friend as apparently my messages are juvenile and offensive to this particular poster. I guess some people don't like being called out on their stupid comments they make without foundation. For the rest of you, i think he's likely to get off his charge as he must have something solid in his defence, and hopefully he'll be back leading you brilliantly on track like he was before all this started.
  12. ... was a good tune tho. I hope my new friend takes the 2 mins out of his schedule to watch it so he can stop digging himself a hole.
  13. https://vimeo.com/354311757 Especially for you...
  14. Close, 42. I like how you're reacting to this. You know it's perfectly fine to just say, oh no i haven't seen the longer video with all the punches.. Much better than this silly angle you're taking now.
  15. It has to be a wind up post and a very strange one at that.
  16. I can only assume this is a wind-up. Please tell me you've actually seen the 2min long video where it shows him getting off the bike and getting provoked by Paul Dugard and then punching him which led to the rest of the pile ins.
  17. I'm allowed to comment !!!!!! Jesus christ, it's not a proper court case we're talking about for christ sake. You need to get a grip mate. How am i saying i'm above the law ??? I don't know if you've maybe got an alcohol issue going on tonight, but are you saying that Cook didn't throw punches or are you saying they weren't reported ? You're right - provoked all day long and he'd quite rightly get off i imagine.
  18. Anyone can pass comment ? Since when do we have to keep silent because something is ongoing ? Punches were thrown, so don't try to be clever - the rule is there saying about any act that is violent, etc - i think the punches fit that criteria. I love how you're all protective of him and that - i'd be the same if it was one of my teams riders - however you need to get your head round the fact there is gonna be discussion.
  19. You said "You're talking bollox!!! Who the hell do you think you are to dictate what the bleedin law is and/or the facts " I was there, i know the facts. The authorities have already dealt with it.
  20. So your rant was just a rant then. He threw punches, therefore that rule from the original statement was breached. It can only be a procedural technicality he is appealing on.
  21. Scuse me ? Dictating ? Get a grip. The facts are that punches were thrown. Did you read the original press release where it said what rule was breached. Other than a technicality how on earth is he getting away with punches thrown ? Enlighten me
  22. I think he could perhaps be trying to get out on a technicality along the lines of if it was noted by the ref on the night that punches were thrown, then why was free to carry on racing? He obviously isn't innocent of violent conduct or whatever the rule stated as he plainly did what the rule mentioned so it can only be a challenge on procedures not being followed correctly or something like that.
  23. Not getting involved in this, but i'm now blocked on twitter by Darcy, Holder and now Cook. Although only Darcy sent me an offensive private message regarding my Mum. Nice guy in real life tho i'm sure.
  24. It was the people who were interviewed, not the announcers in this case. But i get your point.
  25. I would imagine that as long as they aren't giving track time willy nilly to anyone AFTER the referee has signed in, then there is no problem. The track can't be sterile for x amount of hours before the meeting i'm sure otherwise the scb etc would have to be paying for the privilege for that. I guess to answer your question, yeh anyone could turn up beforehand - but as it's in the hands of the owners before the ref takes over, they wouldn't have to let them in.
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