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The Doctor...

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The Doctor... last won the day on January 1 2019

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  1. Yeh, but the daft thing where they are only doing season passes now has cost them a few subscriptions of people i know recently, after i'd got them into it thru watching with me. Pulling the monthly deals without any notice seems bonkers, 189 or whatever it is in one whack once the season has started isnt the way to get more people on board. i'd be curious to know the logic of it from @jduffillor one of the bsn folk.
  2. Very sad news. A genuinely lovely bloke.
  3. I recognise your name actually from the list, good to see you still around, seems so long ago now - the love being show on his facebook is touching, so many people across the world with with some lovely tributes.
  4. Well said. Yep very sad news to wake up to today. I got to know him via the old email forums donkeys years ago and in later years when i moved up to london spent a good few nights out and about. He was still a big fan even many years after his involvement ended and was a lovely chap. Will be missed by many. Back to lurk mode for me now but just wanted to comment. Cheers.
  5. They announced them as one of their sponsors the other week. It's on their site somewhere. The owner is a former rider sponsor
  6. I personally think you're just a misery John and probably because your life is at the point where you have little to occupy you generally, you find pleasure in being disruptive as you're jealous of others having a life. Harsh to even type that, but i can think of no other reason really. You live nearby in a reasonably nice part of london with plenty of green space near you and good local bits and bobs for the retired to get involved in - to seemingly get off on winding people up on here is ridiculous. As others have said before, someone of your age should be an asset to the forum, not a hinderance.
  7. Not necessarily, could have been a technician. The paramedic is in attendance as they can administer certain drugs, techs can't.
  8. Yep, the old football ground further along the road became flats. The old speedway stadium became the new football ground recently opened..
  9. Excellent news. I hope Mimmo and any others who were genuinely affected by this s_hithouse behaviour from management can at least enjoy their speedway now. Well done to everyone involved.
  10. That's simply not true. I think we get it that you don't like the Cardiff Gp and Cardiff itself for whatever reason, but to say it's been follow the leader since day one is guff.
  11. I'd be curious to see if that's right. Normal stamped post has delivery aims but no guarantees attached on a certain time span. Happy to be corrected tho.
  12. Just about to post the same. I'm not normally one to slag off the comms blokes but that was dreadful.
  13. Only when they are delivering certain things - the bog standard stuff is just dump and go. I haven't seen my postie in 4 years maybe more. Do you have a postman in your family per chance ? Anyway, if not, and you're just tetchy because you're waiting on something, you know I'm local and always willing to help with any deliveries you need.
  14. Blimey that's a bit strong no. I got a ban for saying that word.
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