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Everything posted by Sandie

  1. Just heard that Queen Bee has produced her Sweden Tee-shirt for the weekend!!! She has produced a GB one for Nikki though. Phew!!!!!
  2. Agreed. In the first heat last night I walked in just as the tapes went up. I was 99.9% certain that it was Smoli riding, have you seen that dayglo bike!!!!! but I waited and waited for confirmation. I heard nothing - not even the fact that Germany were trailing at the back. I ony got the confirmation when the result was placed. Awful from SKY - do better next time please
  3. Without putting too much of a downer on the great result on Sunday (I am sure Mr Dave Warner is still cheering the team win from his new resting place), can I draw peoples attention to the very sad news that happened to a fellow Bees fan before the Sunday meeting. http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/ind...showtopic=20408 I feel it is important to post this as this family needs our support today thank you. Sandie
  4. Thanks everyone but I think I am now sorted. I must be a gluten for punishment - apparently I look terrible!!!!
  5. Normally SKY show the full version of a SKY meeting at around the midnight hour. So I didnt bother setting the VCR for 6pm and guess what..... . . . . . I sit down to watch and record the midnight programme and it is very edited highlights!! Still not seen my air guitaring. Anyone out there able to copy the full meeting for me. I will happily pay full costs including P & P. I have been offered a copy already but they go on holiday in the morning so wont be able to do anything for two weeks. Please people I need to see for myself how much of a p***t I looked tonight. Thank you xxxx
  6. I havent seen it yet so I am not going to comment!!!!
  7. Any need for two threads -try here instead http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/ind...showtopic=20296
  8. What a brilliant evening. Excellent view, excellent racing ans excellent company. I wasnt sure about attending this one but was going to watch it on TV. My reasons - no seating and when you are small you have to pick your vantage point very carefully. BUT this was better than the final at Poole last year. (Sorry to all the guys that were with us tonight). The reason - we were able to stand and cheer, dance boogie, play air guitar (badly apparently!) and generally have a brilliant time enjoying the celebrations of each heat win. As a Cov fan I have to say well done first of all to Scotty and Bomber -you were both brilliant but also to the rest oif the team. You really knew they wanted to win out there. They pushed and they pushed. Only one hour to go and I can sit down in my lounge and watch it all again.I understand you see us Fairies once or twice!! Excellent package today - racing and entertainment. Well done Team GB
  9. I didnt see this earlier - sorry H!! You KNOW we want some muffins that is of course if we are famous enough. I know how they are normally reserved for the riders! (Who incidentially love them!) See you later and I am sorry I didnt see this. Note to self - Remove H from my ignore list
  10. Yes we will be there tonight. Evening of normality - whats that? Fairy History - (quick version) - Last season Fairy Nikki was going back to Uni and wanted a send off party, so dressing up as fairies for the next meeting was chosen. We felt it would also help the team win after a huge slump AND IT DID! It is difficult to wear wings and tutu's every week so we needed to come up with something to identify with us - so PINK cowboy hats were called for. We try and help others in this role as well - got involved through Jan and Carlo to help with the Tsunami packing. Went to see Rich our mascot in hospital when he smashed up his leg (yes with wings and tutu's!) and generally try to put a smile on the faces of everyone we come across. getting a national and international reputation now and as far as I am concerned it's all for the good as speedway gets a higher profile as seen in this weeks Coventry Evening Telegraph. Number of Fairies - started off as: Mummyfairy (Me) FairyLora, FairyNikki and FairyLisee. This has then grown to include - Queen Bee, Kat, LauraFisher A61 and many more I havent mentioned. Including Steve Turner, Steve Jones, The Hammer and 2st Century Heathen - although he protests a little about this!! National fairies inclue Shortoi and Crazy Sue with a special International one by the name of Kitten! Toatl World Domination - Definately if speedway gets mentioned Im up for it!!!! Do you wnat to join? See you all tonight -with our pink hats, GB flag and Bomber Harris flag - 3rd bend party
  11. I assume you mean for Swindon! But then again you could want early warnings for Poland or Sweden!!!! Sorry Richard, omly teasing you Actually - I prefer a seperate thread for the weather it saves a lot of trouble. Edit - Bert, you compare that one to the BBC forcast for an area and I find that they often differ so much AND not always right! It is one of the sites that I check on a regular basis and never sure if I believe it!! I think I now go by the theory of "Ask someone local to look out of the window"!
  12. Thought at first the thread title was actuallty the name of your latest film Steve!! We will be there with GB flag plus a special cornish flag for our Bomber. Picnic on the third bend from 4pm!!!
  13. All allowed to picnic as long as they contribute. Our blanket will be open to anyone who brings their own food and drink!!!
  14. For all those that need to know!! (You know who you are) We are now going to Swindon for this as Paul is on nights so will be sleeping and doesnt really want a BBQ and screaming and shouting going on in the lounge below - sorry. Hopefully the Final will be on though, need to make sure he goes off to St Mary's for the football!!! Also - we thought about taking the picnic hamper (drink and booze) and having some fun. Does anyone know whether we will have problems taking it in - or will someone be there saying - nope sorry only food purchased on premises is allowed! Some info would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks
  15. We stayed in the Andel. which is on the other side of the river. This was also the hotel of Travel Plus. We had a suite as there was 5 of us and we each paid £45 a night approx. It may be pricy compared to other hotels but within our budget. The suite was superb - kitchen, lounge, 1 bedroom upstairs and 1 downstairs. Curtains worked at the push of a button and we had fruit, slippers and bath robes. We also had huge wide screen TV's in the lounge and downstairs bedrooms. The upstairs also had an office style setting. The only problem was the tram wasnt a direct route anywhere and when it was chucking down with rain you had to run to Wencalas Square to get the closest one to the hotel!! Have stayed both sides of the river now and out of choice I would be Old square side for transport but other side for hotel!!!! But overall a really good weekend - and even better if you had webbed feet.
  16. You got a real loud cheer from our quarter plus a chant! But don't let it go to your head
  17. That was fun Joanne - didnt really get to talk much that night , too busy stuffing my face, drinking, scoring and cheering on Chris Harris! Excellent atmosphere and I understand from Crazy Sue that the Travel Plus group had great fun in their bar on the otherside of the river. imagine if we had all been in the same bar!!!
  18. I saw all of your list. Plus a whole load of mad somerset fella's!!!
  19. I know this is about 10 pages back. But we have only just returned home from being in Prague with our STUPID cowboy hats whereas I guess you CD123 were sat in your lounge watching it on TV. For the record - the wire in our wings set of too many security alarms at airports so they stay at home and our tutu's are far to precious to transit - so I am sorry you will simply have to put up with the STUPID pink cowboy hats. Enjoy your speedway why dont you, from the comfort of your arm chair whilst we go supporting our boys. And - the directors obviously like us as they choose to show us! By the way - great GP, Scott was superb up till the semi. Real shame but congrats to TRICK he is simply a class above.
  20. Lets give them no choice -lets be there in numbers and they will be forced to show it!!!! LEGENDS BAR - Is the place to be!!!!
  21. yes - same flight - will add you to the list. See you at the airport, we will have our pink cowboy hats
  22. It is daft but the Britsh Hot Air Balloon Championships used to be held in France!!! I think it is very forward thinking from the Americans - they obviously want to contribute but not make the paying public and participants pay out in travel costs. Good luck to them, at least it means a round in the UK again, we could loose out completely next year with the new format!
  23. Thanks for the info - I have now found it and passed it on. Hope he is making a good recovery now
  24. The footage used was exactly the same in Cardiff and Copenhagen. Hope they have got it wrong or I have daughter jumping up and down with an Airline ticket that brings her home before the final!!!!
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