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Everything posted by Trackrat

  1. Can't believe 'Matt' is getting it so wrong, but i like it
  2. Surely not though, he is the world champion track preparer as were Poole gonna walk the league this year, oh it does make me smile.
  3. Oh dear, the wheels are coming off the Knobs tractor big time this year and no I'm not from Coventry.
  4. Never responds when he's found out to be a liar. . . Again
  5. Told you before I don't come from Coventry, don't give a monkey's about the result, you're clearly obsessed with them though troll boy.
  6. Expecting a deliberate away win tonight. Gotta keep those averages low. #cheats.
  7. I'm Ross Bennett Monsieur Poirot or should it be Jessica Fletcher Glug glug.
  8. Another good win for Coventry Bees this afternoon Glug glug
  9. You're so insulting I'm embarrassed for you. It wasn't that long ago the mighty Poole was in the second tier, can remember going to Enfield park to watch them lose.
  10. Ah yeah your near the top, sorry
  11. Deluded, Poole will get average riders to replace average riders, no grand prix riders, why would they join a bottom team in a poor league?
  12. Your geriatric posts do make me laugh. Has it slipped your mind you spat your dummy and quit the forum a few years ago. Imbecilic actions if you ask me.
  13. Thought you'd blocked me, another lie.
  14. Good win for Coventry against a strong Eastbourne team this afternoon.
  15. Another way of saying I've bottled it.
  16. Hahaha hilarious. What happened to the Corporal Jones comment. You are Captain double standards.
  17. Ford trying to reconstruct the all conquering Coventry team of 2007. Always been jealous. Next signing Billy Janniro.
  18. I'll have £1000 Glug glug.... Relegation fodder.
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