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Everything posted by Trackrat

  1. Report yourself to the illiterate police sparman.
  2. Still here ginge, thought you were ignoring me lol. Did you know Somerset won on Wednesday
  3. I'm getting the idea of which type of person you are now podgy, ganging up creating a pack mentality, name calling & a screen saver of any speedway supporters pet hate. . . riders crashing. Leads me to one conclusion. . .you going on your FREE TOMMY ROBINSON march tomorrow?
  4. What have you and me got in common? Neither of us go to Poole on a Wednesday #keyboard warrior.
  5. Don't think they'll be on here today, hiding under there blanket of years gone by.
  6. Thanks mate, you can book me for Poole's end of season dinner & dance instead of handing any trophies out.
  7. It's an extract from the Poole are crap handbook 2017-2019.
  8. What's Poole & Germany got in common? Both got dumped out of the cup yesterday by weak opposition.
  9. Can't help himself, no doubt excuses, lies & insults to follow.
  10. There's only a few people in this world i listen to & guess what, you're not one of them. It's a forum, I can post what I like so you & The rest of the Ford puppets can like it or lump it
  11. Glad to see the cheats losing again. Surprising how many opinions are floating around when people didn't even go, bit insulting to the true fans who made the journey.
  12. Think you need another break, you seem to have selective memory.
  13. Hardly, I was referring to when Coventry smashed Poole in 2010 & threw his dummy & quit the forum, he likes to forget that.
  14. Obviously don't know his past history of disappearance when Poole lose, you'll learn.
  15. Three things I've learned today Don't bet. . .Vaclav Milik, after looking unbeatable in the world pairs, turns crap when I put my money down. Sam Ermolenko is the worst commentator in the World The weather, Sun or rain, ruins speedway.
  16. More chance of getting Jensen Button to ride.
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