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Pirates Of Poole

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  1. The forecast was for nothing like the amount of rain we have had today, a lot of local flooding. Not ideal for me as I will miss the meeting on the 9th.
  2. The way the weather is and coming into October lets hope we can get all the finals in!
  3. A lot of very heavy rain in Poole today which wasn't due, with a load due in over night probably the best decision.
  4. Looking at getting the age reduced to 15 for all teams going forward. If not it will be end of June before he can ride in the Championship. Bit daft as he can ride NDL at 15 in UK for Belle Vue.
  5. Maybe Max again? Vinnie will be 3.90 but I would say worth the risk.
  6. I think Bomber brings something different at home against Oxford. When we lost in August at home I felt our top 3 gave far too much space and respect to Masters and Nicholls which wasn't given back that night! something I hope won't happen again. With Bomber he will push/nudge and I think Masters and Nicholls will struggle to contain him.
  7. Could Vinnie revert back to his 2.00 average due to NR grade? Also good to hear Will Cairns has signed his Championship contract for 2025
  8. Cowley, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom Hourly Weather | AccuWeather This has a slightly better outlook for tomorrow.
  9. This is what happens sadly when you are trying to run 3 finals last week of September going into October, weather starts to play its part and we spend more time worrying about that than the actual exciting meeting about to happen.
  10. Think the weather will change a lot over the next 24 hours so we shall see. Same with Poole Friday, prep the tracks knowing rain is around and take all the heavy dirt off. Oxford did it at the first match of the season against Birmingham that I went to and worked well.
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