There is one thing for sure mr rose will not be shy going into the first bend! The bspa should advertise in dirt bike rider for free practice days around the country for motorcross riders as they seem to take to our sport fairly quickly and unless you are right at the very top you can't earn any money out of the sport unlike speedway, when you look we have had Ritchie lawson, Craig cook, Lewis Kerr, now Lewis rose etc all coming over from motorcross and they all picked it up quickly. just think there may be future world champion out there. I see tony Briggs said at tourn gp that he took a top polish motorcrosser and he got the hang of it really quickly and rekons he could ride polish league after a few more sessions. Billy Hamill is looking at doing it in USA. So why don't the bspa give some free rides to these guys in Britain to see if they like it.