The first meeting he missed had nothing to do with him. His dad was not very well and had to leave. what is a 15 year old supposed to do ? Stay there by himself at the other end of the country, or get a lift home with his dad ? He was on the track walk so it showed he was going to ride. Secondly he was desperate to ride in the u19’s as he had a good chance of a rostrum place and maybe even a win.
Well you will be pleased to know the technician managed after 3 days of trying, he sorted out the issues with the van and managed to get it opened. As I said if you thought you could of done it quicker I’m sure they would of paid for you to fix it, but I think you will find it was nowhere near as easy fix as you made out. Let’s hope he scores maximum hauls in all his matches this weekend as I’m sure you will have something else to write about him. Hopefully something nice for a change.