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About TigerTom

  • Birthday 05/09/1951

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    Corrosion tech

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    Brantford Canada
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  1. Don't be so sure. Max and his brother are brave lads.
  2. Ben there and done that. Was there when an individual meeting was to be held a few years ago. Sun till 7:30pm torrential rain thereafter and it never got started!. And that was summertime.
  3. Anybody know when the fixtures come out? I have one Thursday date in June that I will be in Sheffield and would love to see the Tigers ride and see old friends!
  4. Having seen Max Ruml and his younger brother ride Rye house would be wise to get them both. Wish the Sheffield Tigers were going after these two. I think they are the USA's future top riders...
  5. Many thanks for confirming his name. The digned photo I have shows him in a Berwick bib. Tigertom
  6. Did a rider by this name or close to this name ever ride for the bandits. Would be late 80's or early 90's maybe. Thanks Tiger tom
  7. If my memory serves me correctly it appeared in the yearly speedway handbook in the sixties. Tiger Tom
  8. I think its more likely that Squall's Dad is a secret millionaire If he is it's such a secret that even Squalls Dad doesn't know about! Maybe spent 1 million on sending Sqall to charm school maybe! Tigertom!
  9. I also conform the date as the 21st!......Program shows Jansson as 6 points and Selmosson as 0 points from the 1st reserve slot. Selmosson replaced Nygren in heat 9 - 0 points and Nygren in heat 18 - 0 points Not a good night for the Swedes, good job Sjosten showed up! If you need any more details Steve send me a pm and I will send you a scan of the program results page. Tiger Tom....
  10. What a great race to add to the meeting. Luck of the draw though as to if you ever had the race at your track. Sometimes one of your riders won it away and lost it away before the next home meeting. Has be won by the lesser lights on a few occasions! Should be back in my opinion. Would add to any lack luster meeting with the holder taking on the best of the other team based on points. Maybe a winner take all for the rac e would add to the rider wanting to win it! Tiger Tom
  11. So no "starving artist" sale on the horizon then Norbold! LOL! So no "starving artist" sale on the horizon then Norbold! LOL!
  12. Hi Frenchy, I know they give it to a reseve who wins four races these days that's why I said to the purest. Unfortunately I am nearly as old as Bob Bath and we are stuck in the old days LOL!. Brian Seery was, I believe, the official statistician for the League. He was a Math professor who truly enjoyed statistics. In Canada our Brian Seery is Duncan luke. who is a retired accountant! Seems these people love numbers of any sort. If we did not have Duncan we would have miseable stats from Canadian Speedway racing. Looing back at Statistics it is truly amazing to see Ivan Maugers figures in the British League. 10 point averages are amazing now ad Ivan ran off 11 plus for a few years. Tiger Tom..... Oh, and Bob I believe Brian Seery passed on more than a few years go!
  13. A maximum was awarded to a rider winning ALL his scheduled FOUR rides. By doing this he would have riden against all the top riders from the other team (arring they did not ride in a race due to no fault of rider getting the Max!)If a rider takes an extra ride he would need to win that race also to get a max! A reserve could win four races and never meet all of the top riders from the other team thereby getting easy rides. So to a purist a true maximum is when a rider wins all his four scheduled rides plus any extra tactical rides he is given. Tiger Tom....
  14. Hi Bob, I had the wonderful opportunity to visit Wombwell in the early 60's as while the stadium was gone the track was still being used by novices. I went with a man who used to stand on the first turn at Owlerton and took me under his wings when I first started going to see the Tigers. He tried speedway and gave me the old handlebars from his bike which I kept for years. Unfortunately I cannot remember his name. Would be great to know what he is doing these days. He would be in his sixties or older now. Tiger Tom
  15. I remember the Crash being a bad one but cannot remember the details. The name sticks out in my memory though because of the crash. Another crash that was to stay in my memory was when Chris Julian hit the home straight fence! I rushed to the pits and got there in time to have to see him stretchered off the track. He had blood coming out of his mouth and he had terrible laboured breathing. I was around 11 at the time and thought he was a gonner! It turned out he had concussion and fractured ribs. One had punctured his lung I believe. Scared the living daylights out of me. Luckily I was destined to not see any fatalities at any speedway meetings I have attended. I hope that continues! Tiger Tom
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