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Everything posted by Bavarian

  1. Is there any solo activities in the NT / Darwin ? Any youngsters following Brendon Mackay and Rory Schlein?
  2. As far as I know the track in Riga is still there, but not used anymore. There was a speedway meeting held there only a few years ago. I wonder why the Latvians do not try to establish this capital city track as a second venue for the sport in Latvia? Are Daugavpils afraid of the rivalry?
  3. It was a permanent speedway track in that Amsterdam Olympic Stadium, not a temporary one. They had staged speedway there on an a more or less annual basis before.
  4. Rode for England on their tour of South Africa in the 1956/7 Test Series.
  5. @DutchGrasstrack But as far as I know there has never been any other fence at Blijham and it did not seem to be a problem in the eyes of the KNMV for all those years. Now all of a sudden it is - can't help it, but this looks like personal revenge to me. By the way, do You know what actually happened this year with that dispute between the KNMV and the track racing committee members who resigned mid-season? Does this have anything to do with it?
  6. Why ??? Is it politics, some kind of revenge for what has happened this year ???
  7. Denmak has the advantage of having Ole Olsen doing all he can FOR HIS country! Unfortunately speedway is suffering from it. I remember the last time the SWC Finals were held in Denmark it was a huge disappointment compared to Poland the year before, especially the poor attendances and total lack of atmosphere and excitement for the early rounds. Sweden is long overdue to get the World Cup Finals, and knowing the quality of the swedish speedway tracks, this would be the best thing for the SWC !
  8. Strong British Team, could be able to challenge the Poles today - I wouldn't be surprised to see them win. Even on a big quarter mile oval as is Abensberg. I don't think any of the Polish team riders have ridden this track before, but some of the Brits have, and Oakes knows it very well from previous visits. I hope our German boys can beat the Czechs for third place. I say: 1st GB, 2nd PL, 3rd GER, 4th CZ
  9. It shows that You don't know Polish speedway and Polish fans. If this is not important, than nothing else is. Ask anyone in Bydgoszcz ...
  10. Bundesliga Play-Off Final is at Landshut on the afternoon of October 3 (National Holiday in Germany). Landshut is easy to reach from Munich via train (about 60km away). You will probably have to take a taxi from the train station to get out to the speedway track at Ellermuhle, which is about 5km out of Landshut.
  11. Poland did not produce a world champion in the past decade, and that was their high time. Gollob is still the best, but he's not good enough. At the moment there is not the same quality of young riders coming though in Poland than in the past ten or fifteen years. Just look how many (few) Poles are in this year's world U-21 final. I'm sorry but the chances for a Polish world champion are not improving. Seems there could be a Danish dominance just around the corner, something we had in the mid to late 1980's.
  12. Is there any chance that Sullivan may ride this time?
  13. F.I.M. should have something like a developement plan for overseas territories to establish the sport there, help with logistics, track building, getting bikes, spare parts and trainers over etc. Other sports like football or rugby union do it and these sports are now established all over the world.
  14. @Niklos do You know why Konstantin Kornev is not riding this season?
  15. I don't think that this track is set up for the International star riders. Seems this track is just for the locals to race on and it looks o.k. to me. If You know that they plan to have speedway with the international stars in one of their big stadia (National Stadium in Kuala Lumpur is a 100,000 all seater venue) it makes anything we have here in Europe look small. Give them some time, they have to start somehow. Even those 115cc bikes they will use at first are o.k. for them to learn on. You couldn't put them learners all on a 500cc speedway bike. The best riders will eventually move up to the 250cc and finally to the proper 500cc speedway bikes, and will then race against the best of Europe, Australia and America.
  16. Does anyone know who is behind this venture ? It isn't Avtar Sandhu, is it ? Did they purchase a stable of bikes, spare parts etc - and what track do they ride on ? Can't wait to learn more about it ! Probably the worldwide SGP coverage on TV bears fruit in parts of the world that had not been infected by the speedway bug before. Seems mighty good ! Just imagine what chances for the sport will arise if Speedway Malaysia is a success. It won't stop there - what a perspective ! Speedway to conquer the world !
  17. Like the ref in an ice hockey match - it is always announced what kind of penalty and for what kind of offence. Would be good in speedway too.
  18. Emil yes, but Roman I doubt as GP class, but they do have another one to watch in Grigorij Laguta. Wonder why he wasn't in their SWC team.
  19. In individual competition it does not matter what nationality he is. The nominations are from the respective federation that he holds a racing licence. In Glanz's case the ACU - he could be of Chinese or any other nationality, no problem. If the ACU has applied for one spot in this event and got it, they can decide which of their ACU licensed riders to send. It is a different matter in an international team event suchas the World Cup. Here it is the nationality (that's the passport he holds) to decide for which team he can ride, regardless of which federation's license he has.
  20. @f-s-p while You was there did You hear anything whether the Estonians intend to re-start real speedway racing in their country again ?
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