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Everything posted by kingbee

  1. So what are you saying about students getting discounted admission you didn't mention that .You take a lot of sense most of the time Shawn but this time you are talking a lot of ********
  2. Why are we getting a cheap ride I pay the same bills as you I bought my house the same as you paid for it all my life paid my taxes the same as you are never been on the dole or claimed of the government .I didn't get child tax allowance or help to bring up my kids I don't go on multiple holidays how do you know what my or any other oaps circumstances are don't start preaching about something you know nothing about rant over
  3. not a great team is itHarris King Garrity hopefully Stead Another Sarj Batts
  4. Just going along with the blue tints logic on Buckowski if that's how you spell it
  5. So Cov could sign Pawliki and he would be a second string ?
  6. Horton might do what Ford did last season and not let anyone speak to his assets until march
  7. Hope he's spoken to Cov how do you know Cov are not going to use him ?
  8. It's funny who you like and dislike .I like Troy and I also liked Mitch but I must be the only cov fan that is not keen on Chris Harris weird
  9. Not if they were losing it wouldn't most fans like to see a winning team
  10. Few years I would change that to the season after next
  11. Why buy a rider in this day and age he will ride for who ever he wants to
  12. In a substandard league it seems OK but nothing to get excited about we need a Kenny larsen or Sunstrom
  13. checked that site it's no different to every other site rumor.If he said at the dinner dance he wanted to stay at Coventry if terms can be agreed they haven't had much time for negotiations since then I'll wait for an announcement
  14. Who is Melanie I've not seen it on facebook could you tell me what group as I have read most of the Cov group posts
  15. Have you thought he may be a mechanic for another rider next season ? Who has said we can't afford Jason it's all rumors It's still all hear say is it not
  16. You do start a lot of rumors not many materialise JK will not improve that average Imo so wait and see what happens then criticise if you want to
  17. I would like Shamek back at Coventry fingers crossed
  18. Horton has got to come up with something big or Cov will be cannon fodder
  19. Who has got Barker and why did we not protect him ?
  20. So why wasn't he in the draft when it began I know because they only got paid a small amount of polnts money I expect that's been changed as well .As I said in a previous post it's a circus
  21. how old is Howard not under 21 I'm sure the point is the principle of the draft in the first place
  22. Neil you and your fellow promoters have turned a once great sport into a circus I have been a fan at Coventry for 56 years I'm sorry but you will not be getting my pension next season. It's got nothing to do with Jason it's the promoters that have made the fast track system a mockery That is rubbish the draft was to help the up and coming youngsters not the likes of Howarth/Barker etc both those ribers have been in the England squad
  23. I think Bees would still keep the seniority on Friday night ?
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