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Everything posted by kingbee

  1. I thought he got control of the stadium on January the 1st
  2. Nobody will buy Harris at his age it will be a loan fee
  3. Newman is a professional reserve no ambition how many seasons has he been at reserve .Also an expert at rolling starts
  4. AJ would be OK if he scores like this season and we can get Smolys average reduced like Poole did with Linback
  5. I would like to see some thing like this at Brandon next year AJ Shamek Somolinski Jason Garrity Josh Bates Plus whoever fits ?
  6. I thought like that f/b about five years ago been supporting the Bees since the late fifties but the excitement has now gone I haven't been for eighteen months never thought I would say that some thing is missing
  7. I think he's chasing the money while he can .all these guests bookings he does it for his bank account nothing else
  8. Is Fricke owned by Bell Vue or his he loaned ?
  9. bringing in a rider with a bogus average .And no you wouldn't be stonger with guests. I hope it blows up in Ford's face
  10. Harris is on the downward slope no GP next year probably lost some sponsors. He will score points at some tracks I think he will head to Wolves and double up
  11. I thought GP riders came in on 8 point average ?
  12. well if he wants everyone to come along and support the team he should put a decent team out not a load of rubbish
  13. he did say he would ride for cov or Lakeside depended who made the right offer in the winter think it was in s/s
  14. Tatum is only mentioning Poole riders he's all over them like a rash what a t**t
  15. not far of the team that finished near the bottom .I would like Pawlicki in the team I also agree with Jason and Josh coming back not sure about the rest
  16. depends which finger when I have seen riders at the tapes they only use two usually
  17. Pearson and Tatum need to go to specsavers
  18. he rode for kings Lynn Thursday scored well .besides if he's not fit he should have said and we could have had a guest
  19. if they keep this team they will Finish in the same position
  20. No chance of him coming to cov then if money is involved
  21. I would love to see AJ and Pawlicki back next season plus Garrity and Bates
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