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Everything posted by Greg

  1. some great videos on his site to with some good riding and some great music with the videos
  2. well done to all the lynn riders and mark jones and a big well done to Chris Holder
  3. is anthony barlow plain to do speedway again at all in the uk Edit : anyone no where i can get picture of anthony please
  4. some good riders and great to see lynn rider in there and look a great lynn up should be a good meeting
  5. can u pm me the clip link please Malcolm
  6. other then the flight hope u had a good trip
  7. where will i find pictures from this meeting
  8. guy do u no if any one will be taking any picture and where we could find them
  9. good luck to all the jones family and all the lynn rider and assets
  10. well if i was lemmo i would be on my way back to kingslynn enless he wonts to set him self up with a club first
  11. dose any one no any where on the net where i can see this
  12. look a great meeting good luck to all the lynn rider and lynn assets
  13. well done to all the team who took part have a nice time downunder main man
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