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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Looks good http://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/Plymouth-Devils-plan-second-team-bring-future/story-20225892-detail/story.html
  2. Craig Cook also signed http://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/sport/speedway/monarchs-ace-craig-cook-signs-a-new-deal-1-3208670
  3. King's Lynn should be there already signed one rider
  4. Can Chris Mills ride NL got some new bike.
  5. Richie W is a no starter now he signed Belle Vue and The Witches.
  6. We will have a good team they have never let us down as for us sorting the Panther out maybe that a Jonathen job.
  7. Paul is a great would do a awsome job i dont think he would maybe ride speedway guys but hay u never know in speedway.
  8. I would have thought Simon Lambert would be in the Premier League.
  9. Anyway back to the point at hand i see Rye want to use Boxall who do u think will be the clubs new number 1 ?
  10. If it's a money talks deal then it will be Poole simple.
  11. That great thanks for the update Jayne.
  12. Dyer is packing up when he is home.
  13. It would be said to see any club have to close because of the air fence it lucky for club like King's Lynn Cov and Dudley as they use track that already have them there did Oxford have a air fence if so anyone know what happen to it ?
  14. If u ride on a sunday still i dont think u will as he dose his long Track most weekends. What about Kozza Smith as Number one ?
  15. Glad we are getting back to talking about the team come on guys supposes to be a bit of fun.
  16. Hi guy just wondering what u guys think of Lewis Rose and how he's done for u ?
  17. So what u think people do they have the money for a air fence.
  18. Rory and Mads have both said they wanna ride for Lynn next year.
  19. I thought it was because he was due to sign for them before he signed for Rye,
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