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Everything posted by NickRushbrook

  1. Now, I don't consider myself a violent man but the ref deserves a slap for that. Up there with the worst decisions i've ever seen.
  2. Was hoping to keep it closer but it's not a disastrous result. Perhaps would have been closer with Kyle but who knows for sure... Both teams having a good season but a long way to go so won't commit to any predictions as so much can change. Would relish the chance of another visit in the PO final though.
  3. Not the best meeting but seeing Alfie get his first win of the season and what it meant to him was worth the entry alone. Crowd wasn't that bad imo. It was very spread out so gave the impression of a smaller attendance. I think crowds will return more next season as the hangover from the National League subsides. A couple of playoff meetings will help the cause no end.
  4. Rob, I sincerely appreciate your comments even given the long winded nature! It's a hobby / fan channel. No business interests here. We are aware of mistakes made as i said and will be rectified next time. I dont agree with all of your points but that's the beauty of opinion. But please keep up with suggestions as i find them good food for thought.
  5. Constructive feedback is appreciated. Can't guarantee that I'll always agree but I'll certainly take criticisms/suggestions into account. It's definitely a learning curve.....but a fun one. We've gone over it and will implement certain changes for next time. Oh and the 'woman' is a friend of mine. I gave her the direction with regards to questions so that was my call. Thanks for (almost) watching!
  6. I'll leave this here while the forum goes into meltdown! Seriously though, we kept things simple this time around but stuff to work on etc. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC17nUiZ9Wqy2Bps22yDs72Q?view_as=subscriber
  7. Guys, There is no swerving here at all. I'm not at liberty to discuss payment and amounts etc on a public forum. This has been done with permission, is what I'm prepared to say. As, I said, if you want to find out for yourself, please contact the BSPA via the correct channels.
  8. I'm not sure about Go-Speed. As far as your other question, I think you would need to speak to the BSPA directly.
  9. Hey everyone. I, along with a few associates have created the aforementioned channel to (hopefully) raise awareness of lesser known sports. As a life long speedway fan, we are starting here and on Friday, filmed our first feature for the channel at Lakeside. We hope to cover as much speedway in the UK as possible. Of course, if we can help any particular club in any way, please get in touch. If any of you good speedway folk would be so kind as to, 'like', 'follow' and 'subscribe' to our Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages, we would be very grateful. Thanks in advance Nick Links as follows: https://www.facebook.com/nichesportstv/ @nichesportstv (Twitter) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC17nUiZ9Wqy2Bps22yDs72Q?view_as=subscriber - first feature released this week.
  10. Alfie Bowtell is still raw but he has something about him no doubt. Definitely mixing it more and I hope we stick with him. On a personal note, I met Alfie on Friday evening and what a nice lad he is.
  11. Typical numpties who couldnt wait to say they told us so I see! Ever kissed a girl lads? The bigger issue is that a rider has found himself unemployed, temporarily at least. I feel for Max Clegg and hope he gets a new club soon. On the other hand, it's good to see Alfie back. He was a highlight last season.
  12. Perhaps to throw himself in rather than go through with the transfer?
  13. A winning team will make people come back and it looks like we have that. Actual Lakeside supporters will surely return but the more casual speedway fan who prefers top flight racing may well opt for Rye (which is their right). Just wish they'd stop bleating on about it!
  14. Thanks, will be interesting to see how he develops.
  15. Anyone know where Jason Edwards is riding next season?
  16. What about Mitch Shirra? Still a long time ago but would he classify as a heat leader?
  17. Haha, love it! Lakeside have probably been the fairest promotion in the country over the years...a lot of the time to our own detriment. Stop crying and I'm sure in due course, all will be revealed. Well, maybe not all of it but anyway .....!
  18. Potential top 4 material. As we at Lakeside well know, injuries play their part many times in a season so nothing is a given. Would be special to win the title with an (almost) all British team though.
  19. Thanks for the suggestions everyone. A few made the cut... feel free to check out my list below and keep em coming! https://open.spotify.com/user/nickrushbrookpt/playlist/6Mt10snRAbque7YE3yUcdY
  20. Ah the old 'trick track' thing! Anyone would think the home riders left thumb tacks in their slip stream or that there were pot holes that only few know about!
  21. Good input. Thanks guys! Got a lot of 90s stuff on there. Reminds me of being at Arena Essex during the summer holidays of 93.
  22. Hey everyone. Just creating a new Spotify playlist and am looking for some inspiration. What songs remind you of speedway? Any track, any era!
  23. Thinking outside the box a little but could we see someone like Broc Nicol or Luke Becker coming in? Neither have raced at this level before. That is the only reason behind my thinking.
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