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Everything posted by Deano

  1. The Celtic tiger ring a bell. Yes I agree I works wonderfully.... however much it is traded. Ask a Greek restaurant owner how happy his family are with the Euro. Unless they have been forced to emigrate of course.
  2. Nonsense and you know that. You can't count couch potatoes who could not careless how the vote went as remainers.
  3. If the truth beknown, I would have got on with it. Politics and democracy although we can vote, we actually have no control over. You just have to make the best of what cards you are given in life. That's the way I was educated and I am a firm believer in it.
  4. Black Friday soon... we can watch 'em fighting over more 55" tv's in Aldi.
  5. To some degree, but surely while renting you are just buying the house for someone else. For me personally, I believe buying should always be the first option, what ever the initial hurdles. It does get easier.
  6. Don't agree, look at this hostoric GDP graph.. we were growing even back then. Infact, Thatcher actually made it worse! Hopefully the link works let me know if it doesn't http://cdn.tradingeconomics.com/charts/united-kingdom-gdp.png?s=wgdpuk&v=201610011542o&d1=19160101&d2=20161231
  7. The royal family are paid out of the crown estate, a figure agreed by MP's. She then pays tax on this. The remainder goes into government coffers. HRH pays for herself via rent and tourism. She's actually an asset that generates a decent amount of money for us. at 90 and still working, you forgot that one.
  8. We'll still buy cars, one less German one sold could be a british made one, or maybe not.
  9. I dont think speedway has been there since 1986. Mole did attempt a revival before birmingham, but got refused permission by the council.
  10. Stal Gorzow are far better you know.
  11. Speedway as a brand in the UK, to me, sits in the same league as: A night at the local social club. Stamp collecting. Model train collecting. Tea and biscuits after church. It'll take a lot to get it out of where it is.
  12. I guess the fact Brazil is going through a tough recession and that flu virus type thingy really isn't helping. Then you hear reports of swimming water turning green!
  13. but the Aussies who are the top of their tree right now, came over here pretty much high level Premier League standard or Elite, apart from Glen Doyle. Yes the GB leagues have made them super stars, but how did they get so good before they came over?
  14. With double up riders everywhere there is no incentive for the government to invest as one more speedway rider doesn't increase the tax received. Perhaps getting kids off the streets and out of trouble or ex troublesome going nowhere in and out of prison society drop outs could help get funding?
  15. How does Australia presuade such a large number of motorcycle enthusiasts that speedway is the way to earn a decent crust? It's miles away from any league structure, but you manage to find them in every league. Perhaps learning how they do it would be a start. Speedway is a bit like mens tennis at the moment, not many competitiors, but we are fortunate enough to get a good one once in a while. A team of them is asking a lot!
  16. What's different over in the US now though, compared to the 70's, 80's and 90's? Is it visa issues due to EU rules or just not enough riders now in the US? Seems such a shame as riders from the USA really livened up the British League back in the day. Speedway could really do with that Californian razzle dazzle more than ever at the moment.
  17. A lovely smooth swim suit clad female arse lifting out the water, beats any speedway race.
  18. The bikes and riders suits are the only thing that has moved on in the last 30 years. Everything else around them is exactly the same as it was back in 1986 barring the air fence. So, it mates you wonder that it's probably everything else that needs to catch up with the bikes.
  19. I wonder if it will get abandoned again on a sunny dry day
  20. If I were the council and supported the continuation of football, i'd walk away from GI.
  21. Just one comment on a well thought out proposal. Is there enough riders? You could end up with one riders doubling for a North and South.
  22. I don't know how recent the rule is, but I'm sure I've seen riders cross the centre green this season at Perry Barr.
  23. Will send my mail off. But if I didn't want a property developer to redevelop my stadium, then I would be a bit of a fool to sell the land to them in the first place. Like Cradley, this could end up going higher than the council. Edit - Email now sent.
  24. Sorry mate, I'm not going to trawl through years of stats to try and pull out a few names I believe could have continued, but retired due to not getting a team place. Surely you can see that if an employer gets away with employing 5 people to do 10 jobs and doesn't have a long term plan to get another 5 board, you are going to eventually struggle. Speedway has never had a real decent development programme. Ones they have, always have an underlying cost advantage, like the Fast track riders. I really hope you are right and that this is a turning point. But, for me I feel it is just the beginning of the end while the product just gets watered down further.
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