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Everything posted by Deano

  1. For me his voice naturally echoed the adreneline nature of the sport. If anyone else was to commentate it felt flat.
  2. Socialism has some very good core values. I just wish some well off politicians wouldn't be pretend socialist and spoil those core values.
  3. Ha ha.. that's not the way you justified your argument for remain. True colours coming out now.
  4. Buy a toshiba then.... they decided to hold their prices. I remember the bleating when the pound was increasing in value. The same people bleating at the reduction will bleat again when it goes back up again. Whinging Poms. Putting trade and sterling to one side. Give me one good reason why an ever closer political Europe was beneficial to you? I may put up with your whining then.... Perhaps become a lawyer there is a lot of money to be made on Brexit. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-37796836
  5. Who is to say they aren't already getting those. you simply don't know. Nissan has threatened to leave since day one. or benefits
  6. The fact is, within reason, you can get anything to work provided those you have around you have the time, energy and ambition to make it work. Remoaners are most certainly living up to the term "whinging pom", which expats will be well adverse too. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Whinging%20Pom
  7. don't think that was the point being made. the word economics is the clue
  8. Precisely, it's horses for courses. It appears they quote the interbank or the buy or sell rate which ever suits their argument best.
  9. Disprove yours? How do yours disprove mine in the first place (that I posted up nearly a week ago)? You have no mention of the value to the economy that the Royal Warrant holds, neither do you mention tourism (which you so proudly said you would), no mention of the special events revenue they bring in (such as appearances etc). Then most of all no mention of the costs they put on the taxpayer broken down. Mine listed all of these broken down pulling out a profit after all costs are beared.
  10. Steve, if you put your eggs in one basket and only deal with the continent, then you will be in trouble. Our goods going into the US have gone through the roof, parts from the continent have gone up but the retail price versus currency exchange is more than offsetting the difference. It used to be the other way around.... the goal post has just shifted. Watch the tooling get pulled from Germany and Poland soon, to get a better piece price from somewhere else.
  11. You keep harping these figures, people can only spend what they have, it just won't go as far.
  12. Most didn't, but there was more to this than the money in your pocket. Going back centuries, the Scots and Irish elite sold their country down the river for cash... perhaps we are different now.
  13. Grain and wheat as well, remember the price of bread sky rocketed a few years ago before falling back.
  14. Clearly written by a republican. I thought I was going to be bashed with convincing unbiased facts and figures. I have to laugh at this one. "Another factor to consider is the secretive powers the royal family have to manipulate government legislation to their own advantage" No bias at all obviously...
  15. Thanks, I'm not a financial wizard myself. The numbers also looked bigger than I expected, so it would make sense. I think that they are worth having and in these times of politicians not really understanding their electorate, it makes me wonder if an elected head of state would be any better or even the right thing. Just think if it was Tony Blair or some other past Prime Minister...
  16. Ok. They are worth £44bn to UK PLC of which annually approx £26bn goes into the UK's GDP. £18.1bn of tangable assets. £34bn of tourism, merchandise, Royal warrants etc. -£7.6bn cost ie civil list, maintenance, security, cost to councils, https://fullfact.org/sites/fullfact.org/files/3_2.jpg https://fullfact.org/sites/fullfact.org/files/2_5.jpg Edit: I found Royalist and Republican sites invariably different, this site seemed the most balanced. Full report https://fullfact.org/news/royal-family-are-we-getting-our-moneys-worth/
  17. What about those that didn't vote for that elected government? The ones that didn't vote to spend more money than they had... as per your referendum argument. or are you now claiming both the Eu referendum and the Greeks voting in spenders is democratically correct?
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