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Everything posted by Deano

  1. Why not weigh up, what makes 20/20 and the one hundred more appealing to the none cricket fan. What was turning people off all day cricket? To me speedway is in it's pure element is a decent sport. The excitment is four riders together, riders alongside each other (in a safe way), a close result keeping people gripped until the end. A team you can call your own alongside that, a decent presenter keeping the crowd entertained as previously mentioned. A system needs to be found to support this in some way. Changing the rule book won't cut it!
  2. Is it really putting people off? My lad is new to the sport and as we are on holiday in Devon the week after next has asked if we can see the Brummies ride there. If you are new you don't really know what to expect. Hardcore supporters yes, but newbies.
  3. The water bowser was working. It came out several times. It doesn't explain why it gets so dusty though.
  4. Thanks i thought three so every team would have a rider not used by anyone else. I guessed at 19 stand alone teams and about 80 odd riders. i thought perhaps it could be used to bring the admission price down. Less riders to pay, less rider overheads. Could it last two hours? Maybe, depends how many laps it is ridden over. A normal meeting is circa 60 laps, each rider doing about 16 laps in a normal meeting of 4 rides. to reduce costs I guess they’d need to do less maybe 10 each? So could about 35 laps last two hours.. probably not.
  5. In another thread I suggested the meeting be conducted over a set number of laps. Not individual races. only three riders per club No points limit, but one must be a reserve/ U21/U19 or similar. Team managers with the option to hit the chequered flag at any point after the first bend lap one to call the race result as it next goes over the finish line. Bonus points for fastest lap. Riders to use their own frames, but standard sealed engines to be used. Open the mikes up so like rugby we can hear team mangers, riders and the ref talking.
  6. why is it so wrong though? Seriously I've never been and not read anything about it's size, shape etc.
  7. Why not have a separate competition. 19 clubs all one league, 3 riders per team, no points limit but one rider must be from the current crop of number 6 or 7 in a team. The meeting is over a set number of laps say 30. A race is a standard 4 laps but a team manager can call it at any point ( say after two laps) Team bonus point for fastest lap of the night. riders use their own bikes, but fitted with sealed standard engines. team managers and riders on centre green, open up the mikes so we all hear the tactics.
  8. The stadium car park fills up really early. I was there for about 6:20pm last week and I thought I heard a guy suggest shutting the gates then. One Stop does have CCTV and is the preferred alternative. JJ above does mention the warehouses on the Walsall Rd. The promotion wouldn't recommend parking outside private houses as it's these people historically that complain to the council about noise etc etc.
  9. Comforting news. Me and My lad will be there Wednesday, that’s for sure.
  10. Nothing is free though. Someone has to pay to maintain the website, pay for admin on the money transfers etc. It all adds up.
  11. I just put it down to being a typical Brummies number 1. I'm sure it's jinxed, Harris rode better at number 5 than at number 1, Riss vice versa.
  12. Over £10k now. Speedway fans really are the best. we are a fickle lot, but as seen at Birmingham Wednesday night, we can come together now and again.
  13. It was slick. Everyone appeared to go home happy. Everyone appeared to enjoy catching up with people they hadn't stood by for a while as well. You'll have to pop over and catch up with myself and Ian and Jenny when you next go, I can't remember the last time we spoke! Years I'd guess.
  14. They need to keep the kids engaged... If the kids want to go and nagg parents to go, there's every posibility that takeaway and meal out could be replaced by the speedway.
  15. fingers crossed I think my youngest is now converted. He really enjoyed himself.
  16. I don’t find it a problem, but you need to approach from the A453. Not from the city or M6.
  17. It’s a shame there couldn’t be a “have a slide yourself”, perhaps during the interval. I acknowledge it’s completely unworkable and impractical, but might add some humour to the evening.
  18. For what it's worth I'm not that impressed with the outside viewing at PB. I like being on the home or back straight just in front of the start gate. Where else in speedway do the stadium put a huge steel bus type shelter to block peoples view of the start gate? Birmingham have. It's basically set up for dogs where banking and the view isn't as important, so unless you want a decent view you have to go indoors and upstairs, which loses it for me.
  19. Get your wallet out then and cough up if you really think that is the answer, become that investor.
  20. It's not always the answer, can't remember the guys name, co-promoter of Cradley and co-promoter at Swindon with Terry Russell a few years back, owns a transport company, ask him when he tried for a season and took the lease from Mole. He really had his fingers burnt. I know Mcloughlin tried lots of methods and I think even he struggled to get bums on seats, he did though get sponsorship. Perhaps Birmingham like speedway in general is now finding its level after year on year of watering down of the product and the die hards heading to the great speedway stadium in the sky.
  21. But that generalisation could apply to any team visiting any track. It's how winning and losing happens. Now and again all click and bingo you get a good run.
  22. the wheels is up for re-development, so it will disappear. current tennents have been told to leave. I enjoyed last night, role on Plymouth. A much better performance by the lads. Drinks of cordial I believe for kids and pints of tap water with ice at the bar are FREE! Fill your boots.. I did.
  23. To close to call. Redcar went well last time and probably will this time. Perhaps the Brummies will sort out their gating and win it.
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