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Everything posted by MONKEYBOY

  1. Its correct, NL teams can no loner sign NEW Rider assets, but the ones they already own are still theirs.
  2. D star Kw Malianiak I guess most makers of kevlars make them, hope this helps
  3. Hello everyone and thanks for your concern over my sons engines, they did not blow they actually were not running due to the interspan ignitions being fitted incorrectly by his tuner all is fine now. We didn't need to leave until 8 o'clock to get the tunnel we left early as main man said to get back to Poole collect his third bike and another engine and got there on time
  4. I Brendan Johnson did not ride in this meeting as we arrived at track and my bike frame was snapped clean threw so had to withdraw !
  5. Not quite right najjer Brendan was first out the gate then Joe past Brendan to take the lead and while chasing Joe for the lead the start of lap three bend two Brendans bike picked up and hit the fence and at some time shed the chain. But thanks for your support.
  6. Why do you mention Brendans motors as they are standard jawas and the phrase hit the fence with ease is rather childish even more senior riders have this happen to them and if you had cared to come and ask, Brendan would have told you the reason why the bike lifted this time which was a completly different scenario from scunthorpe but hey as you said everyone is entitled to their oppinion. Have a chat with us at Newport and you may be surprised at Brendans honesty about this. Dave.
  7. Buffalo vs Dinosaurs Buffalo 1. RR 2. RR 3. RR 4. Alex McLeod Dinosaurs 1. Adam Wrathall 2. Kye Norton (If Fit) 3. Niel Lawrence 4. Rusty Dugan Should be a very good meeting but of course i will say that the Buffalo boys will win for obvious reasons.
  8. My dad spoke to steve yesterday and he is recouperating at home.
  9. My dad spoke to steve yesterday and he is recouperating at home.
  10. Get well soon steve !! we will come and see you friday, to try and cheer you up. Dave and Brendan
  11. Hi Thanks to everyone who has wished me well and i would like to say i had a great time riding in the second halves at Coventry and Berwick. Also we have just returned from the abandoned ELRC and have been told that i will be shortly getting a second half at Peterborough thanks to Pantherschamps06 for sorting this with Colin. Brendan. Just a quick note from me Dave, while i agree that it is getting difficult to get proper second halves i dont think arguing on here is going to make any difference and the four adults that were at Coventry on Friday have made the problem known and we hope for a positve outcome in the near future. Phil sorry to hear from Dan that he is no longer going to do speedway but i wish you both well now that you are concentrating on the grasstrack. Dave.
  12. The heat format is fine it is just that not everybody will get 3 rides. But Richard Franklin did us Buffelos Proud when he won that race.
  13. Oh ok cool i know Joe fell off. Thanks mate i really apprictate what you gave me and i know UNBEATEN BUFFELOS !!! Thanks Brendan
  14. Ben Talor was not riding and Lewis Briger was. As for heat 8 i cant belive i spun a 360 on the last bend right behind lewis my team mate, but i didnt fall and i carried on the race why was i ex ??
  15. Get well soon mate ( I got a JHR Frame if you want it, you can have it for nothing)
  16. His name is Daniel Greenwood and last night he was rushed to hospital with a suspected Broken leg. But hopfully his dad will bring us news. It was a bad crash i was 2 gates away from him and saw him out the corner of my eye it must of hurt.
  17. I totaly agree with steve it was a great little bike and we were all testing it to the max.
  18. Lol thanks mate it will look great on me !!!!!!!!!! lol
  19. This is to say that The Newport ko cup is now called off and to be arranged at a different date.
  20. The riders are as follows Josh Auty Ben Talor George Piper Ben Hopwood Daniel Greenwood Brendan Johnson Joe Hains Ben Tompson Adam wrathall Dan Kirkman Scott Meakins Rickylee Beecroft Chris Widman Kye Norton Ben Reade Jamie Pickard Tom Davis Res Richard Franklin Res That is the full line up so far any alterations i will put up as soon as possible.
  21. Are there any live updates????????????????
  22. We all had great team spirt we knew we had to win so we all chiped in to win for the team but especialy for lewis who wasm unfortunatly unable to come. Joe your a superstar mate
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