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British Speedway Forum

Arthur Daley

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Everything posted by Arthur Daley

  1. The track was awful and very dangerous in the latter stages. The fact that you think it was okay just about sums up your knowledge of speedway.
  2. So you now think GP racing is as bad as the action in the British leagues? Haven't seen your company name in the GPs for a while, how's the lift business going these days?
  3. Get a grip!! Some speedway fans do really live in their own fluffy little world. Quite sad really. Riders fall off, people cheer and are pleased when it gifts their team points and possibly the match. It's a normal human reaction. Nobody really wants to see them hurt, but when riders slide off at the back unopposed, most fans, riders and officials will be pleased if their team gains from it. Nothing wrong with that in my book. This is competitive sport for christ's sake, not a school sports day - 3 cheers for the winner and all that mallarky.
  4. Actually I would like to read your thoughts as I'd probably agree with them. I think promoting a GP in each individual country and selling tickets is a 1000 times easier than getting a crowd in each week at a league club. Where are the big sponsors we were promised years back from BSI? And don't tell me Meridian Lifts. It's just the same old few speedway sponsors recycled. As you have already stated on a number of posts, a complete highjacking of the riders and prime dates with no regard for the bread and butter of league racing and no compensation to the clubs when they withdraw from league racing as a result. BSI have even started to believe their own hype and hence when they went into Reading they thought that the fans would flock in large numbers - how wrong they were. But what actual promotion have they done at EL or GP level? The GPs look good on the box and in actual fact they are, but any reasonable organisation could make a success of them when you are selling 1, or 2 at the most, events in each country a year. Try doing that every week at domestic league and it's not so easy. To BSI's credit the good things they have done is the British GP at Cardiff. Can't fault that at all. Also the Speedway World Cup is superb.
  5. No matter what happens some people will always find something to moan about - sad little people, with sad little lives. WELL DONE ENGLAND.
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