Hello dear friends,
It's been so long since I last updated this newsletter, you must have thought I had forgotten all about it. It's not so! The reason is that I have had my birthday, not any old birthday, it was my seventieth, and I always promised myself, if I'm still around until that day, I will celebrate. So that what I have done, to start with, I decied to walk from France to my party in Sweden. I spent 3 weeks doing it, carrying a packpack, with all
I needed for the trip. Lots of people, including my wife, Ioana, have asked me, why did I do it. Well, I guess, most of all I wanted to show myself that life isn't over just because you are seventy. And let me tell you, I enjoyed every mile and minute, not once did I regret my decision. We had a lovely party, in my hometown Tranas and on the nearby lake Sommen. Not even in my dreams, did I think that so many friends and supporters would remember "my big day", with presents, cards, e-mails o.s.o. The towncounsel of Tranas, presented me with a leather bond album, there were pictures, signatures of all the counsel members and a paragraph from a counsel meeting at wich a decision was taken to erect a statue of me!!!
I will take this opportunity to thank everyone of you for making the day a most memorable one.
While in Sweden, my intention was to see the Swedish Grand Prix in Stockholm. I had my tickets and was ready to go, but then, the ticketsellers at Stockholm stadium went on strike, and the event was moved from Stockholm to Avesta, a small town far from the city. I was so disappointed, as I think this was not in line with Benfield Sports idea of bringing speedway back to the big cities stadiums, that I did not go.Instead I watched it on tv. It turned out to be a good meeting, so maybe I was wrong.
After beeing away for almost two months, a lot of work waited for me when I got home and there just hasn't been any time for newsletters....
I did also see the Cardiff G.P.on the screen. One thing that puzzles me, then watching the G.P. riders, is that, apart from Tony Richardsson, most of the boys are so brilliant in one meeting, and then riding like a junior in the next... There are still quite a few G.P's left, so we must wait and see what happens. I will go to the Scandinavian G.P. in Gothenburg, hope to meet some of you there.
Until then, have a wonderful summer, Ove.
Thought some of you would appreciate me posting this.