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Everything posted by ouch

  1. There’s 6-8 supposed Aces fans that come out of the woodwork come play off time - they’re blonkers. They are mostly kept in check by true Aces fans or just ejected by security at NSS. Aces fans can react strongly to insulting/unjust comments about the team or cheering when one of us falls. Aside from that we’re just out for a laugh and to enjoy the racing. Hoping for this later….. Jack 12+1 Kyle 5+1 Chris 12 Josh 8+3 Harris 5 Jason 4 Dan 4+1 50 Brady 9 Norick 4 Jaimon 7 Ben 5 Dan 11 Anitti 4 Jake 0 40
  2. You should be a promoter, if you’re not already.
  3. Gating competition. Sheffields gating gloves seeing them through to a mouthwatering final with Leicester. A ray of light for fans tuning in is I won’t be watching and whenever I don’t watch it’s a great meeting apparently.
  4. Pickering will swing this tie in favour of the tigers. Over his last six meetings he has scored a colossal 88 points or nearly 15 per meeting. His average over these meetings is 10.06, a really rich vein of form - unfortunately for us.
  5. Terrific year from him. The highest averaged rider currently participating in the premier league, over half a point above second placed Dan.
  6. 011.3 TEAM LINEUPS 011.3.1 Premiership League a) the top rider (by MA) must ride at #1 https://britishspeedway.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/p24_issue_33.pdf
  7. 31/08/24. We need to call the play off’s as otherwise clubs won’t have enough time for promotion and publicity plus Discovery’s needs the notice to organise OB. Can’t you wait a couple of days to see how the lions get on at Kings Lynn? No, it’s not enough time. Two weeks later. 13/09/24 Guess we need to crack on organising Leicester’s 1st leg on the 23rd. Should I let Discovery know where they’re going? No, we’ll sort it all on the 20th. A long weekend is all discovery needs to sort OB and the clubs involved can stick something on their website.
  8. Of course it will be at Leicester as Discovery needs time to organise staff and OB vehicles as is the case with the semi’s - I’ve got that right haven’t I? Late Thursday night until Monday is no time at all for promotion and publicity that needs completing for commercial reasons, or has this thinking only lasted a week?
  9. I still think it will be the tigers going to Leicester a week on Monday for the first leg of the final. Surprised there’s no promotion and publicity on the Lions website etc. Not even a thread on here yet.
  10. Ipswich 43 total Belle Vue 39 total You must work for the SCB.
  11. Brady Kurtz 9.18 Tate Zischke 4.57 Robert Lambert 7.61 Keynan Rew 5.79 Dan Bewley 8.52 Dan Thompson 3.11 Connor Bailey (RS) Cairns later. 38.79
  12. I think Mark thought he was nailed on as an Ace when he brought him over and helped him settle in. I don’t blame Keynan for going for the better deal, I’d have done the same.
  13. 011.2.1 Rising Stars The criteria for Premiership Rising Stars is as follows: - • The age limit for Rising Stars for the 2024 season onwards is 23 years of age on the 1st of January of that year • The Rider must have a Premiership League average of 4.00 or below Nothing mentioned about any previous average. 010.2.1 Updated MA’s will be calculated monthly on a maximum of a 20 meeting rolling basis on all eligible meetings from the 2024, 2023 and 2022 seasons, up to and including 23rd of the month, to become effective from the 1st of the following month. There are meetings still to add to the GSA’s you’re using.
  14. What a difference from when we (again) had last pick for the newly set up RS system. Nobody wanted Tom but we saw it different. From an RS to a +6 main team member with The Aces, great to see and glad he is now reaping the financial rewards. Top lad.
  15. This was like a real life version of one of my posts. Rule book dispensed with prior to meeting - check Tedious, gate’n’go heats - check Deciding important meetings in the rain due to play offs - check Incomplete teams - check Multiple guests - check Dubious/ridiculous refereeing - check Rider missing whilst completing foreign league meetings - check Coverage on TV from a company that over promises and under delivers - check All happily overseen by a bloke charged with fixing our sport - check BINGO, we have a winner, the old bloke at the front in the badge covered anorak.
  16. Ipswich have agreed to these decisions, they would have voiced their objections otherwise - yes?
  17. Anti women isn't funny. It's funny how you can pick out the most notable female PM Why not talk about Boris Johnson?
  18. Could do with a clutch cam so we can see the lads feathering it on the way to the first bend. After that it’s game over.
  19. Unfortunately, I can see a repeat of Mondays meeting. We need to market it as an alternative to counting sheep.
  20. The sport is littered with the “I woulds” who are no longer involved in the sport. It’s not worth the hassle of getting an outside representative to ensure the rules are adhered to all the time as you end up being ostracised and sitting in the tent being peed on. Since early this century, trophies have been won in the offices and refs boxes of our sport and not in the track.
  21. I’m racking my brains and I cannot for the life of me think of an instance where people have agreed to something under duress or reluctantly. Every agreement in speedway and history as a whole has been reached with full and happy acceptance by all those involved.
  22. I think you’re both right tbh. The FIM fixture list has Thursday 19/09/24 set aside for UK & Swedish fixtures and the Poles down for Friday 20/09/24. https://www.fim-moto.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Documents/2024/2024_Speedway_Leagues_calendar_-_29.05.2024.pdf?t=1719520222 The most recent list 10/09/24 states the same for those dates. However… The fixture list also has Thursday 08/08/24 as UK and Sweden but as we now know, Poland rearranged a meeting for that date following a rain off and took rider(s) lined up for the UK. This result was added to the FIM fixture list. https://www.fim-moto.com/fileadmin/user_upload/Documents/2024/2024_Speedway_Leagues_calendar_-_10.09.2024.pdf?t=1725976952 I cannot find any official statement about Thursday for this season but it looks like the FIM planned our days and Poland just did what they want. Glad the fixture has been moved and like has been said it’s a step in the right direction with regards working together.
  23. I think Mark thought he was nailed on as an Ace when he brought him over and helped him settle in. I don’t blame Keynan for going for the better deal, I’d have done the same.
  24. As with Monday, this is a gating contest, pure & simple.
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