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Everything posted by Trees

  1. Buster intimated after our meeting on Wednesday that the plan is 100% for Premiership to race on Mondays and Thursdays only and for Championship clubs to relinquish these Mondays and Thursdays. Seems agreement has been made with Poland to have Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, Sweden their Tuesdays and Denmark Wednesdays. Not 100% sure if it's set in stone but near enough....
  2. Don't forget the Pairs trophy Robert and Chris won early in the season.... Buster, given what he said after the meeting Wednesday, is aware of the lack of communication and has plans to improve things.
  3. Of course I'm a huuuuge NKI fan and would welcome him back at the blink of an eye, a little concerned about the supposed unrest between him and Robert, hoping IF they both come back they can overcome that, whatever it may have been! MPT and TJ have a great working relationship, they are good mates like Robert and Kai, all good for team bonding 😊 LOL, I do have opinions, not always clear cut or black n white.....unless it's NP, KB or RF grrr
  4. Hard one, I certainly haven't been disappointed with Josh at all but perhaps Kai could prove the better bet, he's had some great meetings as well as poor meetings this season, won Rider of the Night on many occasions.
  5. Why do you think Robert should have a season or two away??? I certainly don't want him to if he wants to race here...
  6. It's not just top riders though it's any of them who might like to race here or actually any rider, anywhere. A good plan for every club and every rider.
  7. Buster reckons Poland are relaxing their 3 team rule next year, the BSPA have been in negotiations this year, good news for our league!!!!
  8. Yep Haza, that's explains it! I hope whoever attends tomorrow enjoys the speedway, hope the guys can go out on a high, god knows we all need it!! Let's give them Rockets hell .....
  9. And Taylor Hampshire at number 8, I believe Dale will be at Lynn tomorrow so I hope his boys can give a really good account of themselves, win or lose. The end of a sad second half to the season but let's be positive and support the guys, we have some gooduns in the team who I'd like to see back next year 100%, let's share the fan 'lurve' lol We are presenting the KLSSC End of Season Rider Awards during the meeting voted for by the supporters, your chance to give them a cheer 👏📣 for their season long efforts ☺️
  10. Just think how much better the racing might be if the track wasn't bumpy so all the riders are confident racing on it?
  11. Hey Haza, wish you would be more specific about who you want to stick it, not everyone involved in the club deserves to 'stick it' do they?
  12. Obviously he isn't 100% and probs the 'bumps' at Poole will affect his injury more?
  13. As with all things, you have to change from the inside, slowly does it. This year loads of promoters are trying really hard to promote, coming up with some great ideas, giving a real feelgood ambience around their club, all clubs should be doing it 100%.
  14. We all want a perfect sport with everything working perfectly, perfect rules, all the best riders, loads of money, thousands of supporters, perfect tracks, perfect stadiums, it's never going to happen .... the men and women who invest in our sport and run it, do their best at the time I guess. The only way we can really have a say is to become promoters ourselves, invest our money, see how things really work. Go for it people .... when I win the lottery I will lol
  15. It's now been tweeted about the offers for Weds, season ticket holders are getting in for free and given VIP treatment. Those who have tickets from the Rye House d/h rain off get £8 off their entrance and those with the Poole Wolves d/h tickets will get a fiver off.
  16. My thoughts entirely! And can I just reiterate again for those who don't go anymore but who are still interested in the sport 'you're a long time DEAD`.....
  17. May be they need to help themselves by allowing a little give on averages.
  18. No, Robert is not the be and end all of riders for the club BUT he's one of us, a local guy, a rider with massive potential to concur the world, we want him to race for us, he's entertaining, a racer, Rider of the Year in 2016 and no doubt in the running this season. King's Lynn is his club, like Belle Vue was Collins, Morton, Cookie, Bewley, like Poole was Middlos, like Ipswich was John and Chris Louis...etc etc etc
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