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Everything posted by Trees

  1. A simple timer clock at the tapes, ready to go at 0000!
  2. In Poland the people of the towns where their speedway is flock to support their team. They go to the meetings with one thing in mind, to support their team. They idolise their team. The drum and chant through the whole meeting whether the racing is good or bad, they support their team. It's all about pride with the Poles, pride in their club, their town, their country, their team. Football teams get this from supporters here, speedway doesn't in King's Lynn. Why?
  3. You're saying Niels is just too good? 😁
  4. Apart from he knows Poole inside out, needed to be riding down there for other reasons and Matt could've done just what Swindon did.... and he's a club legend!
  5. Holder is OK for you lot for 2018 then now he's on a low average, fickle!!
  6. Perhaps we all need to bring a young person with us or even a group!!!
  7. Surely Matt will put together one of his spot on teams for this anniversary year for Poole?
  8. Christ!!! Of course you have to be happy with who you travel with and vice versa.
  9. Pick others up on the way maybe? Would you seriously be interested in car sharing, we seriously should try to set something up if people are interested?? I will find out about this ....
  10. OMG you old farts, did you never hear of sharing lifts, there used to be 5 of us sharing a lift so we only drove every 5 weeks, perfect! Perhaps we could organise something through KLSSC? Now I travel on my own so I get there early, PAY to get in (included that for the flipping doubters!) and set up the KLSSC table and do my bit .... Of course the cost of diesel (answer, get a car that does 60 to the gallon haha, my fiesta does) does make one question travelling on a dodgy weather night, promoters are sometimes damned if they do and damned if they don't make early calls in these cases .....
  11. We have had good teams for ages, it's luck that thwarts us or in the case of last year, sackings and illness (Dale). I personally think most teams keep loyal to the majority of their riders from year to year, at Lynn riders have to perform really bad for us to lose our rag with them (Bjerre).
  12. Oh let it go, let's think about 2018 only ......
  13. I'd like to think they have relaxed their 3 league rule as Buster was confident they were going to but they're being more strict with other aspects so...... watch this space
  14. Waiting for the Star to find that out from the PZM!! 😁
  15. Vaculik signed for Leicester, Niels good news is signing for Torun..
  16. We swopped from Saturdays, it just had to be...
  17. On the GP site he said he was going to Melbourne in a good place in his life?
  18. But if it was Roger's decision, maybe his thinking was it was the company that sponsored the club so he, as an individual, wanted to do his bit and pay?? Not sure .....
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