Yes, a nice idea of Jo, we will try to make it a yearly thing, thankfully the ward wasn't full and the nurses sent a lovely little thank you card awwww
Don't let the barstewards get ya down, as someone shouted out to Shane Parker once lol
Let's just try to think positive people, you can do it if you try really hard arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Think the Championship promoters can be blamed fairly and squarely for our Weds race night #should'vebeenThursday!!
We can do it Polish style
Can u remember the Gollob chant...
Gollob, Tomasz Gollob.... that was it
And the Poland chant ...
Polska, Polska, Polska, Polska
King's Lynn King's Lynn Stars fits the bill, it's belief and pride we lack!!
Thank you!
The idea of an anthem/chant is a good one there is no doubt, this one hasn't gone down so well on the net, I hope something good comes out of it, that's all. We must all want that for 'our' club eh....
As for Haza, he's just a wind up, I'm not biting
OMG NO to lycra over suits, British speedway has been there, done that in the past, the riders hate them and they looked hideous lol.
Why don't the promoters ask the fans to pay for the suits with the promise they keep them at the end of the season, some promotions have done just this in the lower leagues...
That's what I meant about being a pain for the fans, of course some riders' styles are immediately recognisable, at least their bikes are individual....
You say that but riders want 2 leagues so badly they drop their averages to 6.... The Championship promoters want them too for obvious reasons.... The Premiership needs that TV deal so the riders earn more...
This is where the difficulty is with speedway being a professional sport but also entertainment. No rider should get an advantage at the start in this way as it's their living and points means money but if as you say a bit of rolling adds to the entertainment.....