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Everything posted by Trees

  1. Talking about the cricket fraternity and other motorsports fraternites, would they put up with that cartoon mole popping up during their tv coverage, if that isn't making a joke of the sport I don't know what is!
  2. That's the truth and the sooner rules for speedway full stop are changed so the riders can give their best in every race no matter what, the better, thinking very much about British league racing here ......
  3. I guess the Polish riders have the same mentality as the Polish fans, they are all Polish people after all and know nothing less than top spot is good enough and perhaps expect to be booed when things aren't going right. That's why they keep winning the SWC!
  4. Pleased to say that I haven't slagged him off ................. what's the point, he'll get back to his best soon enough, Suffolker or not
  5. Darn it! Poor old Troyboy, had two heats in the last 6! Gollob was always gonna do it in the last, well done Poles. Ain't that the truth!
  6. So right Filly, bloody british people, just get off their backs at any opportunity!!!! Be positive!!
  7. Get off Tai's back for gord's sake, he's helping out his mates thas all??
  8. Yep it'll be interesting to see what the fall out from the Polish promoters will be re this meeting ....
  9. Jesus, the price he pays for being a top speedway racer in Poland eh!
  10. But how much sway do the FIM have in the staging and restaging of the SWC, isn't it like asking what control the ACU have in the staging/timing of BSPA meetings?
  11. Of course they are more important than BSI, they provide a living for all Polish riders and many others besides! BSI are incomers, they'll have to work around the leagues Of course, it would lower the crowd if it clashed!
  12. Postponing the league matches then wow!
  13. Can't be tomorrow cos of the Polish league matches! Unless it's held in the morning or something?
  14. Richardson was put in as a Joker in place of Lewis, obviously Rob thought it was the best race for Lee to be able to score the 6 points and as far as his last race goes, for all I or you know he may have asked not to be included in that crucial race, for sure his head was down ............ Fair enough re the regulations.
  15. I've seen Lee perform fantastically in the WTC in Poland before and yes agreed he was great tonight Let's hope he has all his ills behind him now and can look forward for the rest of his career ....
  16. You can probably blame the GPs for the lack of test matches, when are the top riders EVER available? Also the BSPA have to be sure of attracting a good crowd cos no doubt the top boys come at a cost. I'd absolutely adore watching a test match at Lynn again, and I'm pretty sure every Lynn fan out there would lap it up
  17. As Bagpuss has posted, Rob was going by the OFFICIAL PROGRAMME not the spreadsheet that Stekkers was using, he admitted that perhaps he should have realised that the gate position was wrong, I would doubt he'll ever go by an official BSI programme again anyways! Well embarrasing for the promoters! For all those brits who are posting negative thoughts on here, it's the negativity of us brits and not believing in our rider's ability that brings us down, it's about time we all started being positive and perhaps it will help the cause. Our riders need all the help, guidance, opportunities and support they can get .................. let's go for it!!!! If we don't, nobody else will for christ's sake!
  18. Patience people, you will know soon enough ...............
  19. Certainly the promoters wouldn't have thought about it but yes, agreed, the riders and team managers should have.
  20. I thought he just lacked speed on the night, he can mix it ok.
  21. Obviously Jim hasn't got a chip on his shoulder like you Snyper, involved in the pits last night.
  22. I would hope that they are asking themselves searching questions all the time re being a speedway rider but like all young people they do need advice and guidance, if they are now receiving that from the TeamGB set up then wonderful, that's how it should be? From short convos I have had with Rob I think he has thought about all this anyways Do they need to be involved in more hard fought international meetings or are league meetings enough if they are putting everything into practice?
  23. It's ok our younguns getting experience in the WTC but it doesn't really amount to much on the world stage, a possible 3 meetings I mean, so let's hope the long term plans involve some test matches on the big tracks in GB? Would the public support them though, would SKY be interested in televising them, could they be fitted in?
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