Because a few precious riders race in Sweden, Poland and Denmark. It's also stupid running against GPs? And our tracks are not all available when we want them to be ....
In Poland, Sweden and Denmark no rent is paid for stadiums, lucky aren't they!!!!
You say that but with team suits many fans find it very hard to know one rider from another, to a new fan it's probs all about the team colours so it could happen and some fans would be none the wiser and they wouldn't bat an eyelid! The promoters could really produce a show For us old timers ..... ermmmmmm
So you're saying he did have a mental health issue even though he's saying it was a family issue?
I'm not so sure you should call mental health issues" crying wolf should ya?
All the leagues in the world have similar riders racing in them.
In a perfect world of course I'd like a group of 7 riders to race for one team only in the whole world with daily practice and earning thousands every meeting, unfortunately we don't live in the perfect world!
Instead my team race on our race night for my team, all I ask is 100% to my team on that night....... I like to see how they get on for other teams but all I really care about is what they do for Lynn
Will the Welsh government put money into the GP again, how instrumental was that at keeping the GP in Cardiff? Did they get Cardiff for free or was it through a grant? Who knows?
You could say that about ALL league speedway, league football, anything!
It's only the club fans that are passionate and one or two riders who race for the clubs in the areas they belong to .....
It's a chicken and egg situation though, if we had more riders we wouldn't need riders to double up but we need more fans/money in the sport to encourage guys to come into the sport (or come from abroad) to race for the clubs ....