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Everything posted by Trees

  1. Just love that write up Duffyscouse, from the heart, where it should be coming from
  2. Can that be right?? Time for the riders to take control haha
  3. Went as a bit of a neutral today although wanted to support KL not so "old boy" Stefan Nielsen so ended up cheering for the Saints/Prowlers. Was a tense affair for their fans with efs for top men Steve Worrall and Ash Birks coming a cropper 3 times!! Mildenhall couldn't believe their luck!! In the end both Ashley and Steve got it together and played their part to nick the win from the jaws of defeat. I guess you could say that this combined team of Scunny and Sheffield have an advantage over Mildenhall with the best youngsters from both clubs but to be honest it's just great to see some british talent (and Cam Heeps) from all three clubs having a good go and some passionate fans supporting them The winner was speedway
  4. It seems everyone thinks IMG need Darcy more than Darcy needs them. IF Darcy carries on in the same form he has this year of course Mr Bellamy will want him in his competition as a wildcard .....
  5. Although riders could have in their mind that entertaining the public and having a rapport with their fans is all part of the job
  6. Now you're talking, those were the days haha Who's gonna be the first rider to find an old citroen and turn up at a meeting with their bike on the back, retro is cool
  7. As it stands it seems that unless a rider has a massive sponsorship from a Polish company, good old Poland eh, and a excellent, loyal team of people around them they don't stand a chance of becoming speedway world champion and it seems, lose money competing in the competition. Great innit!
  8. These are just the sort of comments that the rest of the british speedway community need to hear about this meeting, maybe just maybe this is the start of a new era for the ELRC and it will go back to being the most prestigious meeting on the British Speedway calendar again:D I sincerely hope it does, I want to be going to this again and the only thing that could persuade me is the knowledge that all riders want to win it
  9. Great to read that most riders were giving it a good go, that's all that matters to the fans
  10. Changes everything!!! I think not ............. Does anyone know if the league authorities receive any monies from the FIM to run the sport?
  11. The price wouldn't be so much the problem to me, more the fact that the riders aren't very bothered about the title ................................ or are they It's what the promoters make it I guess
  12. They jolly well have done, the format of the meetings for one! Then there's the venues, the preparation of the tracks, the amount of GPs etc And yes I do think that the meetings could be run just as well by the major speedway federations. Poland often run meetings with as many spectators as the GPs anyways, they no doubt have to play host to the Polish companies who sponsor the GPs themselves, BSI have tapped into them nicely ............ The main thing, especially in this country, is the fact that speedway badly needs the revenue that must be pouring out of the sport into the IMG coffers, after all they wouldn't be running the series if they weren't making money? This competition wouldn't run if it wasn't for the leagues!
  13. I can't see that they are running the GP series any different to any of the various speedway nations promotions could, apart from Cardiff and one or two other temp tracks. They have introduced a count down timer, the air fence, a colourful table and hoarding when the riders pick their gate positions and a GP podium ............
  14. Don't forget the BSPA haven't got the tv revenues coming in like BSI have for the World Cup!!!! The price of the tickets reflects the amount of fans that the BSPA think this meeting will attract, if they could be sure to get 5000-10000 perhaps they would make it cheaper!!
  15. The FIM and in our case the ACU need to help out in this department perhaps ................
  16. Very interesting article posted by Steve Magro on the yahoo speedway group
  17. Nah, just wondering Dobbie, you know how it is Didn't think it was you hahahahaha
  18. Perhaps Poland will only employ riders who can commit to 1st April .................
  19. I don't, I think Laurence was bloody cheeky, he should have been happy with whatever he got for the bodycolour, considering the amount of fans who were there, nobody should expect the fans to dig so deep, perhaps he forgets that people might not have the money to pay more than what was paid for it!!!!!! Perhaps he should show a little more respect!
  20. Hmmm ............ the understatement if what I've been told is the truth, no wonder there's no PotE
  21. Not such a crazy idea if the "top boys" are over here for the ELRC ........... having said that the plan failed miserably!!
  22. Having said that Bagpuss, Jonathan said in the PR re the PotE that the Young Gun meeting wasn't well attended, I can't remember there being anything in the EDP about it though, you won't get the fans to support it if you don't advertise/push it. I remain shocked that they got the start marshall (please don't take offence m8!!) to present the trophy, or did he buy it perhaps?? Not forgetting the 50p A4 effort of a "programme" ........... oh dear oh dear Perhaps the football is taking up too much time, obviously the Chapman's time is thinner with both clubs to run
  23. How many riders have, most are just making up the numbers!
  24. Forget the bloody "big boys" at the start and end of the season!! I'd like to think that our second strings and reserves "might" want a race or two practice at the start of the season together with others of the same ilk and hopefully the fans will give them a look after a winter without speedway ............
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