Well thank goodness for that, no doubt every rider will be having a good old dig about in that area when the meeting eventually does go ahead!!
Must have been dry when Gerald sorted 'the hole'?
Yeah I guess Poland is like 50s British Speedway, I wonder if a few years down the line if it will go the way or our speedway too? So why do young Polish people flock to their speedways, because it's fun, exciting, cheap, the happening place, they want to support their local team?
British promoters need to work harder eh!
None of these young fans remember the days when u went home from speedway with muck in ya hair, up ya nose and in your ears let alone over your clothes lol
Has the Poole track got the best base possible, ask Buster?
Surely the dogs wouldn't mind if a bloody great hole was dug in your centre green over winter for drainage and the turf put back on, nobody would know it had been done come the start of the season?
So get ya flipping drainage sorted Poole, spend some of that money you get in from being the best supported team in the country to sort the most important asset to your club, the track!
You had the track relaid and did nothing about drainage, come on!!!