I guess we hoped for too much out if this 50th year, things haven't come together like we expected, perhaps that is why the management aren't making it 'special'. You wouldn't even know it is anything worth talking about, the bloody programmes don't even have 50 on!!!
To be blunt re the team, NEVER been a Kenneth fan and I just can't see him doing the biz away when we really need him to, for me not team riding with Bomber at Poole was the last straw, hard but I wouldn't want him in my team after that, it was so embarrassing and ridiculous, no excuse.
Nicklas has everything going for him it seems over here, let's hope he can get his head round the NA and away from home.
I expect so much from Niels, home and away, we all know what he can do and I'm confident he will come up with some more top performances when really needed.
I can only praise our Norfolk boys, they are racing 100%.
I hope Ashley has turned a corner although it is slightly worrying that he isn't now getting much track time.
So in comes Vaclav, he's young, unpredictable, only hope he can produce the goods, TT is bound to give him back up, will Mini be helping him out I wonder