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Everything posted by Trees

  1. Of course, why would anyone doubt him not racing at Leicester? Hope he has a good night.
  2. Not whilst he has a "hole in his ar**" as we say in Norfolk!
  3. I knew I'd heard of the name before ....Our promotion are terrible for 'promotion' at times, all they said in the lead up to this meeting was the fact that Lewis Rose was back for one night, not one mention of the guys in Team Fritte, sure they would have got a few more there with mention of the famous fathers but oh well. And nothing in the 'programme' about them either, so annoying 😕
  4. Glad I went to this, expected a few more fans to see the sons of Karger and Jorgensen, shame it wasn't billed as such ......
  5. I really want a go on that reaction machine, are u coming to Lynn\Norwich anytime soon?
  6. Many clubs are doing loads on social media, some certainly better than others! Some promoters put loads of time and energy into promoting, some not, if they get in the money to be able to pay someone to do the promotion they 100% should, no half arsed promotion ......
  7. Ole has 10 years to perfect the starts, only took 15 to make the track ruttless!
  8. In this case I don't give a damn
  9. I've never wanted a Pedersen, never ever, I was forced to support him for only 2 seasons phew, 2 was enough, never again!!!!
  10. Thought he was gonna get the silent treatment? Pretty sure the booing hurt him, not enough though it seems.
  11. I'd rather an "underperforming"* Iversen racing for us than any other gp rider. *not scoring 15 every meeting
  12. When you lose your club a passion dies somewhat, I certainly don't enjoy watching any team like Kings Lynn. Of course you hope that your club is run in a way you like and approve of. As for individual riders, fans like different riders for all sorts of reasons, I mean some even support NP lol Club affiliation is huge I'd say. Don't become a grumpy old man or woman, try always to enjoy the racing, never forget the guys are out there on 500cc motorbikes, without a suit of armour, doing speeds of 0-60 in 3/4 secs, no brakes, no gears, inches from one another/the fence and often making split second decisions.
  13. I'm interested in all the politics etc but when I get to a meeting it's then all about the four guys racing and that will always keep me coming back for more 😆 Once out on track 95% of the time they are not thinking about anything but winning\earning most money they can\doing the best for their team 😊
  14. The track was 100% better than Warsaw, it's only taken 15 years, now Ole has 10 years to make the gates even Great to see Iversen win, bet lots of money was lost on Woffy.
  15. They ought to be able to bloody electrify the outside fencing, that would stop the sods!
  16. Because they don't get enough fans to justify too many cheap meetings?
  17. That is exactly how I feel, never been so down on a rider before but Kenny just is not there ....Do you know him personally Mungo, is that why you are 'sticking up' for him?
  18. But he never looks like passing Mungo, he's such a let down. Perhaps he needs to spend the day with Robert, he can give him tips about racing, using the track and what commitment is all about.
  19. Is it a desire problem with Freddie at Wolves?
  20. She is 😆 Apart from the Pearson drooling 😊
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