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Everything posted by Trees

  1. As long as the rider is on a par with Lewis Kerr .....
  2. Yeah daft that they awarded a point even though Brady was excluded, spoiled an exciting run off for the title Was good to watch the streaming this morning and have banter with the aussies in the chat
  3. I like Brady Kurtz' honesty about his racing, look forward to him visiting Lynn with Poole
  4. But we have Mads back and for the future it is obviously the right decision .....
  5. hope they would love it like I did, cream first then the watery milk mmmmmm, love full cream milk to this day 😆
  6. Dunno Skidder, are you telling us they do?
  7. DH had to do this, his fans are dropping like flies!
  8. You'd prefer to go into the season with an underpar side then?
  9. Of course it's not too late to make changes, it's either that or under strength teams!
  10. Riders say they would race over here with less fixtures so I'm guessing yes (for some)?
  11. Surely he would now reconsider when there are clubs that cannot finalise their teams????
  12. Interesting words from Rob on Radio Norfolk this morning, saying British Speedway needs to do more to entice top boys back. If teams can't finalise because the top boys don't want a full season here and\or want one\two days a week, why don't they just rule that top boys can at least job share this year, no promotion wants an underpar team, as opposition or their own?? A ridiculous situation!!
  13. I think it's great that Rory wants to be involved, his meeting was nothing but a success with the fans, that's what the SRBF meeting needs to be again ......
  14. Kings Lynn surely changed race night to suit our Danish riders and ready for next year, we had Wednesday and Thursday meetings last year.
  15. Too right it is, hence why betting was prohibited for donkeys years ......
  16. I love league racing but I wonder if these sort of meetings would make money for promoters by attracting good crowds, depends what sort of monies the competitors would want ....... I'd love to see some sidecar racing, just the noise of the bikes makes me smile. I've never bothered with the other two but would part with money to see them .....
  17. I'm guessing league racing ain't the answer to attract crowds. Events involving solo speedway, sidecars, short track, drifting would attract crowds on Friday\Saturday\Sunday
  18. It must help, as must position sharing ........
  19. I guess club promoters get their "team" (including everyone involved in the club?) round the table and discuss the season ahead? Throw about ideas?
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