Not 27k no, 14k sellout and was £12 a head, double normal price ....
Of course, Sunday afternoon, within walkable distance of town centre, different kettle of fish to Thursday evening on the outskirts of Lynn a couple of miles from town centre boooooo
Nah he said it was free to get it on SKY, I am with BT for Broadband and am paying a fiver a month for sports ....
Nah no HD .... not paying anymore for anything, jeezuz! lol
My son is now at uni at 26 so I'm not sure an age limit is the best way to go. Unless the offer really is aimed at young (not job experienced) students ..... probably it is?
How the hell do you change the rules to only allow those who are in full time education with no other income in though?b They have to rely on people's honesty and integrity .....
I had to ring up BT to ask why I couldn't access BT SPORT on SKY, had to give them my viewer card number and it was there immediately, obviously didn't read the instructions haha
I feel exactly the same, a great track with banked terracing will do me. OK so a loo and a tea hut would be nice too 😉 That''s how Somerset started out innit?
But it was abused, someone posted somewhere that he and everyone he knows was gonna get in for a fiver, how stupid was that ..... some people obviously don't want their clubs to survive!
I would put a bet on when SKY wanted this meeting moved to today that Buster said he would only be able to run it if the weather was perfect following yesterday's bangers, must take an age to sort out the track after that mess!!