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Everything posted by Trees

  1. It was very wet overnight near Norwich and rained for a while in the morning, Lynn had none of that?
  2. My son is now at uni at 26 so I'm not sure an age limit is the best way to go. Unless the offer really is aimed at young (not job experienced) students ..... probably it is?
  3. They ought to not include the reserves heats in working out the new averages .....
  4. How the hell do you change the rules to only allow those who are in full time education with no other income in though?b They have to rely on people's honesty and integrity .....
  5. It was obviously, in my mind, aimed at those people who have no other income but from their student loan\bursaries ....
  6. Unless you're stupid it's obvious who the offer was aimed at imo! How wicked of him expecting honesty and integrity!
  7. But his bike stopping on the racing line caused the accident, it's irrelevant that he may have got going again, imo.
  8. So right, the ones who have abused the offer should be ashamed, clever dicks aren't they!
  9. I had to ring up BT to ask why I couldn't access BT SPORT on SKY, had to give them my viewer card number and it was there immediately, obviously didn't read the instructions haha
  10. I feel exactly the same, a great track with banked terracing will do me. OK so a loo and a tea hut would be nice too 😉 That''s how Somerset started out innit?
  11. But it was abused, someone posted somewhere that he and everyone he knows was gonna get in for a fiver, how stupid was that ..... some people obviously don't want their clubs to survive!
  12. But the fans don't want all the same things .....
  13. I would put a bet on when SKY wanted this meeting moved to today that Buster said he would only be able to run it if the weather was perfect following yesterday's bangers, must take an age to sort out the track after that mess!!
  14. Perhaps that wasn't an OK reason for SKY but of course at the end of the day it is off because of the weather so the forecast it is. ......
  15. Someone nip up the track, is it in raceable shape?
  16. Exactly ..... hey Jonathan did you read this forum when you were involved at Lynn. I thought I'd read that Lynn went up to the BEL because costs were rising so much in the BPL? BEL My helicopter just wants to see fairness in team building, I would've weighted heat leader averages for this season following the change in race format last season. I would've pushed for 2 night BEL racing years ago (perhaps some promoters have been?). I would not have used BPL averages this year to list fast track riders, because it was stupid when the majority of them have BEL averages and the disparity of some which has benefitted certain teams. As far as presentation, of course all of them could be improved, someone said to me once, take a lead from THE BEST .... BPL We had some great years in the BPL but dunno if we would've thought the same if we hadn't been winning! The fans love the long distances in that they have the opportunity to do 'northern\southern tours' but of course it costs promoters but then that's where the promotion comes in to do all they can to bring in the punters and sponsors ..... BNL Plenty of teams competing in this league, some stand alone, some to develop riders for their senior teams, Lynn doesn't attract many fans but just look at Dudley!! They must do OK or the promoters wouldn't keep going ..... TeamGB Ever since the parasites, BSI, took over, that's our lot. A couple of meetings per year supporting our national team (not that I have in person at the track for many years unless friends have bought me a ticket). So why should the BSPA or SCB or ACU put any money into our team only for BSI to take the monies? Of course we want our riders to be proud to represent their country but their achievement to make the team should also be awarded financially IMO. I'd absolutely love to see test matches brought back but finding dates for these are impossible now that the parasites are running their GP series. BSPA Should just run like any normal committee, with items suggested and voted on, majority vote. I dare say costs at Rugby could be cut and monies put to better use but I haven't a clue how many people are involved, how large the office etc .... International Riders Perhaps if the BEL ran on just 2 nights they wouldn't see it as an inconvenience but also if the FIM hadn't allowed the GP series to become as long they may see British Speedway as worthwhile .... British Riders I perhaps think they need more track time and guidance from those in the know, they have to speculate to accumulate with equipment. Things are getting better it seems. SKY TV Yes, a huge company, that cost us a fortune! Of course their production costs are huge too. It's the nature of the Speedway beast that the weather affects it big time. Of course promoters should see being on TV as a chance to promote their club and the sport big time. The fans too but of course many fans see SKY as an opportunity to save some money and sit in front of the TV instead of paying to watch the action at the track? Now if SKY were to pay more money for the coverage perhaps the promoters would be able to give the fans incentive to attend live ...... or would they see it as more money in their back pocket?? Supporters Of course many supporters feel undervalued but that is down to poor promotion, although one can't always use those voicing their opinions on forums to get an overall picture of the views of their total fan base ...... Recommendations Everyone involved in the sport needs to try harder,care about one another, not be greedy, we're all in this together, be positive, tell the truth (within reason), get rid of BSI ......
  17. Been through all this before Jonathan, nothing new from your helicopter ....
  18. I reckon because of the overnight rain Buster wouldn't be able to get on track following the bangers yesterday and then maybe he also wouldn't be able to do what he wanted during the day because of SKY setting up for tonight ... possibly?
  19. Lynn changed from Saturdays years ago, it just has to be done .....
  20. sounds easy but councillors generally feel that speedway is a smelly, dirty, noisy motorsport that attracts all the wrong people. There's people in Norfolk who have been trying 40/50 years on and off to get a venue passed to bring back Norwich Speedway ....
  21. Exactly what I thought, couldn't believe Kildemand was excluded ........ Usually means they have bike probs though!
  22. Maybe personal but perhaps you'd be better off working on a reconciliation with your family rather than being a 'normal' supporter of your family's business on here?Anyways I won't say anything else on either subject, bit sad about it all 😕
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