He had the whole film premiered at the cinema in Lynn but the company who filmed it are putting it on YouTube in sections.
You say about how you thought Rory would've been a GP rider, he actually mentions in the film how injuries over the years have hampered his progress, hurts him big time.
I travel 40 miles to Lynn, reach it on a mix of B and A roads. There are people I know who come from further away.
Lynn has fans from 3 counties, Norfolk, Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire.
And about 10 actual Lynn people
Surely he is reiterating that he won't commit to the WHOLE season but would consider other meetings as part of our squad . He was at great pains to say that he wanted Lynn to be sorted with his replacement come the end of this month as he didn't want to be leaving us in the lurch as such.
I hope Troy will be fit to race in the next fortnight, he's been recovering for an age ....
Nothing has been mentioned, perhaps email TooFast Media, found this email address on their website ..... Philip@toofastmediagroup.com, there are telephone numbers too.
Why don't they only take the relevant races into consideration when calculating these averages ie just rides against 2nd strings.
If I were the BSPA I would now go back to last season and do this for the ftrs and put them back at reserve where they belong. Probs same with heat leaders and second strings ...... get it right before we go on any further with this season ...
I personally think those ruts would've got deeper and deeper, I wouldn't want to see riders coming to grief because of them, seen too many bad crashes ....
As soon as the first 4 riders had done their laps we knew there was a big problem with the track, two road rollers came out to work on two places on 3rd\4th bend!! Knew then they wouldn't be doing that after every race, might as well called it then