What do you want the promoters to do? Bearing in mind we don't have enough riders or money to have 10 teams in the BPL with no doubling up in the BCL? We don't have enough teams who want to race BPL, there's no big TV money to encourage teams up plus they are happy with their current race nights ....
Are there enough decent upright engines and bikes in this country to run a meeting with today's riders racing them? Would be a good experiment especially if a couple of tuners were involved and would be up for tuning 7 engines each ..... hmmmmm
That's good news, perhaps you and fellow ex riders are the ones to make lots of noise to help our sport survive? Us fans don't really understand engines and what their characteristics are and what real difference they can make to racing, all fans do is not go anymore and that's no help to anyone .....
The trouble is Poland rules the roost and that's what they want? If they decide that the racing could be better than it currently is now then all good .....
I'm sure long term speedway fans have been talking about this forever but that's all we can do, it's down to those who run the sport to stop 'progression', to go back to go forward. It happened when laydowns came in, it can happen again if the will is there, from the top downwards ....