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Everything posted by Trees

  1. How would they've done that? Is league darts on every week? I know nothing about RL, what changes have they made to get more fans?
  2. Lynn had a team ...... what is going on at Leicester, why aren't the bspa stepping in to stop this messing about!
  3. On past experience the Lynn reps have done great at the ELRC lately As we all know pretty much all the BPL number ones are heat leaders in the BEL, these two positions mean they are very good riders. Not sure about Tungate but he has certainly proved a match winner in the EL this season ....
  4. I'm still in the 'BSI shouldn't have the rights to league speedway's cream on the top' don't worry about that, just wanted to go watch racing at Torun and that's what was on .... before the main event at Gdansk run by another outside company I hasten to add tch! Almost getting to the point where I will have to give up my protest as a bad job, 5 GPS ever is a pretty good record of abstention! All top individual speedway has been taken over ggrrrrr
  5. So u agree, ridiculous argument and the Poles should shove their proposed rule where the sun don't shine, knew you'd come round to my way of thinking 😊
  6. Haha we were thinking along similar lines 😊
  7. Ah well, they tell me no new info came from the forum anyways ...
  8. Yep I did, I'm not making a habit of it I can assure you, great to see NKI win, was worth all the jibes on here lol
  9. Quite right about the fans, the centre green guy had to work hard with us lol He could speak english pretty well mind!
  10. Forget it, he's staying at Lynn, I hope .....
  11. And what about if they get injured riding Polish league, everyone else suffers, ridiculous argument!
  12. Agreed although it's not so easy for us with non exclusive speedway stadiums .. Put em on a Monday or something then we can use the prized Saturdays ... OK Martinski, I'd love us to do only 2 days a week but as you know full well our stadium set up is NOTHING like Poland!
  13. This is the Polish authorities being selfish barstewards imo ..... stick to bloody Sundays then there is no problem 😊
  14. He may not purposely injure them but he NEVER considers the consequences of his actions. He just thinks of number one.
  15. So luck never comes into staying fit for the whole season then?
  16. So the forum was exclusive to the Travel Plus lot?
  17. Luck is all part of the it .... every World Champion has good luck ...
  18. Poland have the riders by the short and curlies .... I hope when things aren't so good over there that the other leagues remember this rule! Selfish indeed!
  19. It's only the best in the World in any given year, they're all great riders .....
  20. This problem has been spoken about for years and riders have been getting hurt for years because of going under the "air fence" ..... how have either the company who make them or the promoters who use them got away with it. Shouldn't they've been made to make alterations to them, it's a defect after all ......
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