A Barry Hearn type would want to own all the stadiums himself and be in total control, he'd need plenty of money to invest or sweet talk companies out of millions. Darts has been a relative piece of cake ....
Here ya go people, multi aliases etc, carry your feuds and arguments on here instead of the club threads...
Every club thread is being spoilt by your bickering.
I know it's the close season with nothing much going on but for christ's sake, give it up! Or use this thread ....
It's hard to believe that the FIM allow blow up "air fences" to be continued to be used given the serious injuries that riders have endured with them being lifted by bikes. At least at GP level the foam type fences ought to be used and all the others changed over time??
I can't believe the manufacturer and importers would sell these engines and they'll not do what they say on the box, that would simply be stupid as it would be the end of their business??
They could use some sort of modern electronic technology, that has been spoken about many times, to make the starts fairer than simply the ref's judgement ..... one day perhaps!