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Everything posted by Trees

  1. The real meaning is to be a proud British Champion ffs .... the GP wildcard is a bonus imo. If the fans don't think being British Champion is something to be proud of then how can we expect the riders to feel pride? In any other sport to be the Champion of Great Britain is an honour, a privilege and a great achievement!!!!
  2. And they'll still cheer him on at Cardiff .... boo him or better still give him the silent treatment .... Who wants a World Champion we never see, ok never see more than twice a year ha?
  3. Haha, pity they don't we would all be better off 😊
  4. Also how many seasons have any of the aussies missed, only Crump surely? Of course they wanna race for the money on offer in Poland and of course it pees me off that the Poles are blackmailing the riders, I'm gonna be making another weeny protest and will not be going to Poland or watching any streaming .... When Poland as a country changes and the people have other pursuits than Speedway things will change again
  5. I must be in the minority then, I don't use supermarket diesel ....
  6. Ought to be a petrol/diesel company, everyone spends tons of money on the stuff getting to meetings!
  7. Why would the Poles want to use all these other days when their Sundays work so well?
  8. No doubting this promotion promote their product, all promotions do some of the above and obviously some have more time to put into their clubs than others. I do hope all the promoters discuss best practice at their conference, they could get so much from one another .....
  9. Whatever tactical they use it falsifies the scores, at least with the double points system the riders get their alloted rides and we don't get the top men having heat 8 races against easy opposition. I would not have double point tactical but the chance to change gate positions when 6 down ... What a stupid promoter he was/is!!!
  10. Funny old lot ...... need to take up cards or something!
  11. What promotion is gonna risk a financial loss of a Test match? However much the fans "say" they would support one?
  12. Grow some lol .... just need a duvet type coat that's all ....
  13. Let's be serious, either Rosco or Tai are lying ....
  14. So who the hell is telling the truth? What does he say?
  15. All good for team morale 😊 No doubt they all do their own fitness thing anyways but getting together is always beneficial .....
  16. Only cos it's a bloke thing, the thought of two guys knocking the sh*t out of one another and the fact these fights come round once in a blue moon ..... no way would I have paid a penny to watch it.No way would the Hearns take on speedway, possibly the gp series which is so easy to promote as they have the best riders in the world wanting to realise their dream of becoming world champion. The Hearns on the whole, only take on easy, one room, championship, mens' sports.
  17. Fans should all be boycotting Polish Speedway over their actions this close season. They can stick their speedway right up where the sun don't shine imo ....
  18. That's where a good mic man comes into the limelight ....
  19. I simply can't be the only one who just wants to thrash their local rivals? lol
  20. The Swindon management should respect their fans more and give a proper update to the situation .....
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