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Everything posted by Trees

  1. With you on that one, Robert is a winner 😁
  2. Half an inch and Robert would've been past Doyle in heat 11. Love watching him race, worth the admission money alone imo!
  3. There was a room full at the P/C after the meeting last night to hear Simon and Dale 😊 A pretty strong win for our Stars even with Doyley's fall. So we're up to 2nd in the table, gotta be happy with that
  4. I'm a Stars fan and I will support any rider (even supported Pedersen a little OMG!) who turns out in Lynn colours.
  5. I'm pretty sure Robert is always early for meetings. It was a totally genuine break down near Stansted after flying in from abroad, Robert and his family would not have wanted to miss this meeting!!! Every fan who will be going to Belle Vue to the British Final
  6. He's beaten a few guys on form tonight... Bjerre & Pepe.
  7. He had a good meeting in Torun as did Hancock so maybe... let's see what he does tonight....
  8. It still is for the majority of us, there's just not enough of us. We don't have a drinking culture at our speedways which is pretty important for many people to be able to relax and give up their inhibitions because our meetings are on work nights on the whole and we generally do not live in walking distance of our clubs like most Poles do....
  9. We are running a coach to the British SGP in Cardiff from Kings Lynn on 22nd July. If you are interested the cost is £28 for KLSSC members and £33 for non members. Please send me a personal message on here ....
  10. I'd love to see Robert added to the line up, he had vehicle problems, he certainly did not intend to miss the meeting. He's a great racer and whether it's right or not, every fan wants to watch him, he would be a strong contender for the title. I admire Rory without a doubt, but hell I don't want him to win this meeting .....
  11. He was scoring 7/8 last year at reserve 😊
  12. He scored well for us last season, no reason he shouldn't this, I'm glad he's back ....
  13. You think their riders are on £10 a point?
  14. Supposedly the Poles are gonna say only 2 leagues for their contracted riders next year.... we'll see if that comes to fruition.
  15. There'll be no Magic as long as the Poles persist with their unfair rules....
  16. Rob said they probs deserved a point but then goes on to say how we wanted to deny them anything and succeeded 😀
  17. It was entertaining for sure. Batch said in the bar after that Buster had got the track how they wanted it last night and how they would like it for every meeting, with even starts and surface. He and the team are looking forward to the run of home meetings, they are enjoying racing together, he is happy with his form and just wants meetings (more in the UK preferably)! Rob praised the guys for the great team riding, he called it a dying art but something the fans want to watch, he's right there 😊. He said they wanted to send the Rockets home without a league point and he was happy that they managed it.
  18. A good meeting to watch, a couple of great examples of team riding and plenty of passing and chasing. Another interesting press conference in the bar again with Rob and Batch in attendance.
  19. Pride, vodka and beer definitely, plenty of drinking goes on before the walk down to their stadiums on a Sunday afternoon, seen first hand of course.
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