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Everything posted by Trees

  1. Or maybe busy working on finding a replacement?
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/live/motorsport/40124456
  3. Just watching coverage, that fall of Chris, perhaps a neckbrace may have helped his head/neck?
  4. Dunno how you can say that about Emil after his ride in the semis in Latvia!!
  5. Ha and they missed a great meeting yesterday, plonkers!
  6. Well Nicklas chucked away £340 on flights so the call off cost him... Buster told Nick's manager that it was "too windy to carry the air fence and panels for straights"....quoted from David's Twitter.
  7. Believe it or not but loads of fans would've taken the explanation for the call off OK and just carried on with their life...with no thoughts as to a conspiracy or anything else.... at the end of the day nobody lost any money (apart from maybe a Rye fan or two who may have booked a day off work but that is the risk you take supporting your club away from home), took no wasted journeys and we go again next week...
  8. Luckily the fan representation on this site is very small.
  9. Racist? Ok yeah I'm racist against people who think it's right to lead their lives as I described. If they have pukka jobs, pay income tax and NI, tax and insure their vehicles, stop only on certified sites which they pay for and keep them clean then no problem, live and let live Yeah I am surmising that travellers stole Nick's bike but an old white van was seen on the drive by a neighbour and some stuff was stolen from a local farmer on the same day and you only have to ask any person who lives in the area about who they think is responsible for theft around about lol Here's Google's meaning of Diddicoy. Didicoy (Romani: didikai; also diddicoy, diddykai) is a term of the Romani or "Gypsies" for "Gypsies" and travellers with mixed Romani and non Romani blood. An example of an old Romani song about a mixed blooded Romani is the "Romano Rai" (or "Romany Rye"):
  10. That's easy, those "travellers" who think it ok to go round the country stealing from people, doing deals for stuff in old peoples' gardens (knowing full well they are ripping them off), stopping in playing fields etc and leaving all their crap behind for us to have to pay to be removed, not paying taxes etc etc ... get the picture? Are you one then? lol Apparently there's a load of them trespassing at the Brandon Stadium, doing damage ....
  11. Bloody diddicoys!! Lock them up with the terrorists!
  12. It's what he isn't doing that is the problem ...
  13. Hoping for another good meeting, for Chris, Robert n Troy to stop Bomber, just so looking forward to it
  14. Email them about some Championship meetings!
  15. Hope they call it early as I planned to come, really don't want a wasted trip ....
  16. The Power of the Polish authorities, they own their riders' souls. Did you hear the pair who won the last GP, they had to get in about racing for their Polish team the next day before they said anything else ... We'll see, I clearly have a downer on the Polish authorities these days .....
  17. So has Rohan got found out re this wheel spinning? Did he do it at Somerset this season?
  18. To be fair, it's not the Polish riders' faults, they don't make the rules BUT if PP did get a berth over here and improved his form they will rule that he has to go back into the Polish league and forsake his British club no doubt....
  19. Really, really hope so in this case, there is no doubt he would've qualified, it was complete bad luck why he didn't make it to the meeting.
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