Embrace the music from all the ages, there's always some good stuff. As there is good speedway, I think riders and promoters do have to remember that the fans are there to be entertained and if they're not they won't return .....
My comeback year, think most Lynn fans are excited about our 2025 team, how many blimmin years have we wanted Bomber to race for us, forever, gotta be a good omen eh 😀 Looking forward to taking my place on the terraces again, it's been an age, jeez! Been through some rubbish but I'm out the other side, roll on March yewwwww
I set this page up years ago hoping it would raise funds for the SRBF. It has a little and I recently sent a small cheque to the SRBF. They are happy for me to continue with the page and advertise that it exists so IF you would like to help out the SRBF via this fundraising site please do!