Management took some pretty serious and unfair stick over use of confederate flag from do gooders.
As the abuse was pretty nasty easiest way I would think was to bin it.
Believe at Sheffield stewards made supporters take it down, very sad really.
Have these idiots not got anything better to worry about?
How can the track have been bad since 1948?
I have been going to speedway for 45 years and in that time the track has been in 3 different positions so don't get how it can always have been bad.
Surely if it is your business you sell your product at a price you chose.
I personally think it's not right but as Matt Ford is the owner it's up to him.
Olly was superb and the rest of team knew where he'd be most of the time.
He was ruthless though ask Eddie Kennett but fair play to Eddie didn't complain.